By taking the Name of a Child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the Meaning for his/her Name, whether you are the Mother or Father of a New Cute Baby, We have collected the list of Modern Slovak Baby Names with their Meaning. A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God. Alžbìta. Slovak Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Slovakia from Namipedia, the Baby Name Wizard’s naming encyclopedia. So let’s see 25 of the most amazing Slavic baby girl names. She who is chaste, holy. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? Slovak Names, Bohemian Names, Czechoslovakian Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male Czech and Slovak Names] [ 1] ADÉLA, of noble descent or lineage. Slovak female given names from Latin‎ (0 c, 2 e) Pages in category "Slovak female given names" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 215 total. - Discover NEW Database with 1000s of cute & popular baby names, traditional, unique, modern and rare names in 10s of Fascinating List. Check it out! 48 ♂ Kevin: Kevin is a male name of Gealic/Irish origin. Alžbeta. 25 Elitsa. Angel, messenger. Search Baby Names by Country. Slovak baby Girl names, including some unique, traditional, and most popular names. On of the earliest people who carried the name was Saint Kevin, although it is not a biblical name… I’ll try not to show off too much, I promise. Russian is the biggest and best-known of the Slavic languages, but the beautiful Slavic girl names on this list come from all over: from Czech Dusana, to Polish Eszter, to famous Serbian surname Tesla. Boy Names: Girl Names: Slovak Girl Names. Andìla. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. Consecrated to God. Page 3 - Want Authentic Slovakian Baby Names? Elitsa (or Elitza) is one of the prettiest Slavic names that bring memories of ancient times and wild nature. ADÉLE, of noble descent or lineage. Berht means "bright". Slavonic names for boys; Slavonic names for girls; Vladimíra DarvaÅ¡ová, Slovanská antroponymie v zrcadle etymologie, Bachelor thesis, Masaryk University 2008 (in Czech) Czech and Slovak given names of Slavic origin. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. Hruod means "fame, glory". It is a Germanic name, from Old High German Hrodebert which means "bright with glory". The ultimate A-Z Slovak names list, complete with name meanings, origins and background info for all Slovak baby names. Czech and Slovak given names; Jména osob, (in Czech) Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian names of Slavic origin. Slavic names for girls stem from the diverse countries and cultures of a vast linguistic territory, which stretches from Central and Eastern Europe right across to Northern Asia. Aigneis. It means “little fir tree” and parents give this name … Slovak Boy Names. Let’s start with my name.