videogame_asset My games. No [COCO] Fairy Queen SE SMP CBBE 3BA BodySlide . You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file. Had to choose the NON-SMP choices when batching the bodyslide output. Because i dont know (if someone know how to fix ?????? ..or you can uninstall SOS-managed female pubes, clean your saves, beg lord Molag Bal not to rape your save game, and restart SOS. Base body - CBBE SE. Default is a Male Nord in the armor from the trailers. By Management. I found in "Trivene Outfit (Slutty)", the bottom middle part is sticking in between the cleavage, making it look weird on well-endowed ladies... thoughts on this? Installer with all options. Is it possible to setup the files to retain the smp xml & virtual collision within the nifs? well, let me test. OK, not comprehensive, just random testing, but so far so good! Skyrim Special Edition ; Armor [COCO]RONIN full CBBE 3BA BS SE [COCO]RONIN full CBBE 3BA BS SE 1.0.0 (0 reviews) Sign in to follow this . 3BBB is a different bone set for breasts. This is hi poly armor (in Skyrim sense ) with 4k textures. Choosing standard CBBE enables 3BBB. By tad9dat. Warchief Armor. Log in to view your list of favourite games. For Boots model i used Pony Boots from DD as reference. Certain armor sets can provide special bonuses if the full set is worn. After doing that, it worked with most outfits, but not all...but I noticed the ones it didn't work with were ones it prompted in the body slide batch process, which leads me to.... The vanilla armor / clothing meshes were designed for the vanilla body with no physics in mind so what you need is an armor / clothing replacement for CBBE that has the physics, then you use BodySlide's batch build to apply your body shape of choice to all outfits instead of one by one, also make sure that the replacements you download have HDT Physics and select that when building the batch, … Had to make sure bodyslide output in Mod Organizer 2 ( MO2 - arbitrarily including that for people googling in the future) was going into the overwrite folder. Skyrim se female armor replacer Skyrim 3ba 2020 NPC Skyrim SE Skyrim MiniDresses Collection for UUNP Bodyslide at Skyrim File This is a 3BBB Amazing conversion of … I actually seem to be having this issue with several 3bbb mods so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong - because when I installed the Drow Ranger 3bbb, the size is right. It uses the same groups as the required mod. Quick note: I have not included the outfits with SMP enabled cloth physics as I am having issues with different parts of the body "melting." About armor 1., 1. I don't think that would be an issue with this mod. The Alfheim Knights armor is a set which adapts to an Elven knight almost perfectly. It's easy! DrPal, June 6, 2020 in Downloads - Skyrim: Special Edition Non Adult Mods. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Compatibility with Familiar Faces lets you overwrite the DB with one of your past characters. About This File. Each race has a few different lines and jokes. Sign up today and get your favorite mods! It belongs to a race of warrior elves who combine both their intuition and the strength of most humans from Skyrim. Been content with just the original version thus far, but 3BA is preferred for mixin and matchin, Quickie: for those who are looking for the Bodyslide group names, it overrides the original slider xmls, so group will still say "Sunjeong bla bla bla CBBE", but hopefully refers to 3ba? Most Mods are free, Our Server is not, Please consider a Donation of at Least a Dollar. Recently added 25 View all 1,170. All meshes and textures made from scratch. There were only seven of these and they also have non-SMP versions included. BodySlide support - YES 3. You have to use a mod manager. For other uses, see Armor Sets. An Armor Set is defined as a complete set of armor that includes one matching armor piece for the head, chest, hands and feet. Here is the SOS thread.. (the link is for page 84, which has relevant posts): ...or you can add SOS_Revealing to each of the armors using SSEEdit, or CK if you're even more masochistic. By The only new group is [SunJeong] Ninirim Collection - Cleavage (Nipples Covered). Choosing the "physics" (SMP) option overwrites 3BBB. Check Out This Mod. Find their other files; 1 Screenshot. 2. pretty sure what was referred to was that one person that spammed her link on every single nexus mod page a few months ago, Or the uploader can just ask. [SE] Lotus Maiden SMP CBBE 3BA BS Fomod- Full, [Kirax] Project Vindictus Vol.3 CBBE 3BA SE, Project Vindictus Vol.2 CBBE 3BA BodySlide SE, [COCO]Twilight Sorceress Full CBBE 3BA SE. I noticed some of these files gets rid of the pre-configured SMP files with some meshes, and removes some of the virtual CBBE files of the original, removing some SMP physics from the armor (ananta, atanis, summercasual, bless 0022, shiningwill, damagedfeather, dragonrises) You have to set the Armor (slot 32) item to "revealing", by doing so in SOS's MCM menu. Groovtama's XPMSE and either CBPC or HDT-SMP with CBBE SMP are required for physics. (ex. Have issue with masksmp when equiped. Skyrim Special Edition. Of course, it's new. Followers 16. Is this happen because something of your mod ? 2. confirmed 3BBB on my favorite Bless outfits!! I installed the 6.0 of the original in MO followed by the 3BBB files and running them through bodyslide just appears to do nothing at all. Trending chevron_right. By viewing this site, you agree to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Guidelines, and our use of We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better.