You will take his place in a game. When a player goes all-in, this amount is separated off in the main pot and the remaining active players can continue betting into a side pot. 6: … Rejoin Trelawny at the bar, where he’s arguing with the man you beat at the poker table. You’ll walk into Flatneck Station to find Reverend Swanson, the clergyman of your little community. On a player's turn, there are five possible actions: check, bet, call, raise and fold. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America’s unforgiving heartland. By going to any of the locations where poker is played in game - these are Blackwater, Saint Denis, Valentine, Tumbleweed and Flatneck Station - or by selecting it in the mission selection menu you can buy into a Public Game or start a Private Game. 2: Play Poker against Desmond Blythe and others. The brutality of pummeling a man into the mud is visceral on a level beyond the ultra-violence of the preceding gunfights, and this mission shows off just how much style the game has. Subsequent players must at least match this amount to remain in the hand or fold if they do not wish to match the amount. Poker in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be a good source of money for your character. If one of the players has better kickers than the others, they win the pot. 3: Use Strauss to beat the others in Poker. A Fine Night of Debauchery is the 51st main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). If all players but one fold before reaching the showdown, the final remaining player has stolen the pot and wins all the chips. Money Lending and Other Sins IV is a continuation of the lending money and fencing missions in Red Dead Redemption 2.The first tasks of this type could be played in the second chapter of the main storyline. Gold Medal Goal Tip: If you are a poker player, this will be a walk in the park for you. The Gambler Challenge is also unlocked during this mission, so make sure you know the rules of poker. Poker: First spotted during the first mission for the Reverend. 3: Use Strauss to beat the others in Poker. You will take his place in a game. The next mission Who Is Not Without Sin is available at the Horseshoe Overlook camp. Follow Trelawny into the tailor and purchase a three-piece suit. A player is only eligible to win the amount they have wagered themselves from each other player. Poker is a great way to earn some quick cash if you study the game and learn the effective hand combinations in the single player of Red Dead Redemption 2, and even the online portion of the game. In case of RDR2, specially blackjack. Three community cards are then dealt as the flop. If several players share the best hand ranking, the remaining cards in their five-card hands are taken into account. There are three murder scenes to be found, with a piece of a map hidden at each. Joining a Poker game. You can set and unset an auto-bet as many times as you like. The Landowning Classes / Home of the Gentry? 6: … 4: Fight Reverend Swanson's Attacker. Poker in Red Dead Redemption 2 is based off Texas Hold'Em, so to win a round, players need to have the highest hand using the combination of their own hole cards and the five community cards. Copyright ©2021 Comments 4: Defeat Desmond in Poker 1-on-1. On reaching the end of the final betting round, the showdown takes place. During a betting round players take turns, with play moving clockwise around the table. Really, you’re scripted to win. Two cards of a matching rank, another two cards of a different matching rank, and one side card. CHOICE: Play Poker, or Don't play Poker: 2: Ask around for the Reverend's whereabouts. He falls down drunk, passes out. The Pit Boss has another gun, though, and aims at your head. The all-in player is only eligible to win the main pot. Blackjack : First spotted not long after visiting Rhodes. You will take his place in a game. For the other Mini Games and Activities in Red Dead Redemption 2, see all the Table Games Guides and check out the complete Guides Section. VIP Members don't see Ads. Win Five Hands Of Poker. By becoming a VIP Member, you support our work and allow us to create even more amazing features and content for you. Who is Not without Sin is unlocked when you complete Polite Society, Valentine Style. You, playing main character Arthur Morgan will replace him at the poker table. Or if only one player remains before the betting rounds are completed, the remaining player steals the pot, winning it without having to reveal their cards. After your cover is blown, escape the boat in under 35 seconds. 5: Confront the Witness that saw you fight the Attacker. A Fine Night of Debauchery is a Main Story Mission and part of IGN’s Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough. Go on board, and follow Trelawny to the poker room. Poker: First spotted during the first mission for the Reverend. An ace, king, queen, jack and 10, all of the same suit. Hold right and select the action you would like to take. These are known as kickers. In Red Dead Online, Poker can be joined from various Saloons across the open world. A raise means the player is increasing the amount of the current bet. RDR2 Poker Guide The aim of Poker is to win the pot by having the best cards at the end of the game, or by convincing other players you have the best hand so they drop out. That’s where the aforementioned main-story-mission poker game takes place. Complete the mission without taking any health items. This mission climaxes with Red Dead Redemption 2's first transcendent moment: an absolutely stunning fist fight in the rain. If several players go all-in in one hand, this can create several side pots. The aim of Poker is to win the pot by having the best cards at the end of the game, or by convincing other players you have the best hand so they drop out. The available locations to play poker are scattered around the map. If you are not, kindly check our Red Dead Redemption 2 Table Games Guide and learn how to play poker and other table games in RDR2. A player's hand rank comes from the strongest five-card hand they can make, using any combination of their hole cards and the community cards. The Poker variant you’ll be playing in Red Dead online is Texas Hold em Poker, the most popular poker game in the world.. If a player doesn't want to reveal their cards at the showdown, they can muck. It continues until all players who remain have bet the same amount, or are all-in. If a player bets, subsequent players must at least match this amount to remain in the hand. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can you skip mission if you fail it x amount of times? These are known as hole cards, and are kept secret from the other players. If even after taking kickers into account, several players still share the best hand ranking, the pot is split between them. Head to the Flatneck Station and look for the Reverend inside the building. After each set of cards is dealt, there is a round of betting. Run to the back of the boat toward the yellow marker. To start, the two players to the left of the dealer must put in a mandatory bet each, called the small blind and the big blind. Again the betting round continues until all players who remain have bet the same amount, or are all-in. If there has been a bet in the current round, a player may raise. The first Gambler challenge is pretty straightforward, as you must win five hands of poker to clear it. If there has been a bet in the current round, a player may call. If all active players check during a round of betting, the round is considered complete. Start this mission by talking to Reverend Swanson Swanson at Flatneck Station, south of Horseshoe Overlook. You will take his place in a game. There’s an open door on the right - go through it, and jump into the water to escape. Don’t worry, it’s free. Five cards in sequence, of different suits. Two cards of a matching rank, and three unrelated side cards. Who is Not without Sin is the 12th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). Surely, some people heard the gunshot. If no bet has been made, a player can choose to check or bet. I have never left a Poker Table in RDR2 with losses. Places like Valentine and Flatneck station have a lower buy-in and is easier for new player, but nicer and more fancier locations like Saint Denis and Blackwater have a higher buy-in and can be challenging for new players until you get an understanding of the game. Three cards of the same rank, and two cards of a different, matching rank. Four cards of the same rank, and one side card or 'kicker'. All Rights Reserved. A player who folds cannot wager any further chips during the current poker hand, and cannot win that hand and is out until next round. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Listed below are the storyline missions in Red Dead Redemption 2. These can be seen by everybody and are known as community cards. Gold Medal Goal Tip: If you are a poker player, this will be a walk in the park for you. Arthur gets $750, and the gang gets $3,000 for completing this mission. A Fine Night of Debauchery is unlocked after completing The Gilded Cage. You’ll discuss the plan even more, and when you arrive, you’ll have to leave your weapons behind. The first betting round is known as the preflop. Complete the mission without taking any health items Meet with Trelawny outside the tailor in Saint Denis to start this mission. Any hand that does not qualify under a category listed above. Red Dead Redemption 2 continues on from the first game with a poker variant inspired by Texas Hold ‘Em. Then, a fourth community card is dealt, known as the turn. These are known as hole cards, and are kept secret from the other players. Playing Poker in RDR2 is the same when you play casino games like poker in online casinos in Malaysia.You also use the same Poker rules and follow the same Poker Hand Rankings.. This complete guide will help you know when to bet and know when to fold. They will not be able to take any further action during the hand, but can still win it at the end. As he’s opening up to Arthur, Dutch interrupts him. The narrative of Red Dead Redemption 2 spans four or five different territories and 109 different missions (94 story missions, as well as 15 "honor missions") which are separated in 6 chapters and a 2-part epilogue. Follow the opposing guy’s lead. Playing poker is a great respite from Red Dead Redemption 2’s wide open range. 2: Play Poker against Desmond Blythe and others. There are two kinds of poker games you can join in Red Dead Online. The website takes a lot of work and time, so that’s why we have to rely on ads. Next, Trelawny will take you to the barber. Who is Not without Sin Walkthrough . Another betting round takes place. In the middle of this conversation, Arthur is again interrupted, this time by Charles and Eagle Flies. Red Dead Redemption 2 is exiting unexpectedly and crashing to desktop for some PC players, but there’s an easy fix.. How to win the poker game and save Reverend Swanson in Red Dead Redemption 2 gameplay. RDR2 Poker Locations (click to enlarge) Anyway, poker locations. Below are the the locations you will be able to find poker games. See the “Hand Rankings” section below for a full list of combinations. Each player is dealt two cards. The first time I headed into Strawberry, early in Red Dead Redemption 2, I encountered a man outside town who needed help finding his way in. You will always be able to regain your losses because the final opponent on the table will not leave until you do, and I assure you that if you are even a casual poker player, the play-style of the opponents in RDR2 are somewhat black and white. If they don't want to match the bet, they must drop out (fold), losing any chance to win the pot. This guide highlights mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements. Arthur Morgan (you) begin the mission by walking over to the point on the map and you are able to call out to Reverend Swanson a few times before finding him inside the shed in the area playing Poker with two men, drunk out of his mind. This simply forfeits without revealing the hand. Note, that if conditions change so that your preset action is no longer valid, your auto-bet will be canceled automatically. He says these are challenging times for everyone. In this section you find the full walkthrough for all 110 Main Story Missions across the 8 Story Chapters in Red Dead Redemption 2.105 missions have Gold Medal Objectives, 19 are Optional Honor Missions (missable) required for the "Lending a Hand" Trophy / Achievement, and 1 is exclusive to the Special Edition.. See the “Hand Rankings” below for the full list. But beware, as much as you can win a lot of money, you can also lose it all very quickly if you don't pay attention. Under unknown ci… You’re to go in and play a man who just struck it rich with oil, and bet loads of money while “drunk.” Strauss will signal to you the entire time, helping you to bust the place. By going to any of the locations where poker is played in game - these are Blackwater, Saint Denis, Valentine, Tumbleweed and Flatneck Station - or by selecting it in the mission selection menu you … On the south side of the camp you will have to locate Flatneck Station, where you will find Reverend … However, this means we have to deal with a lot of people that we really didn't like, with one of those being Reverend Swanson. Poker in Red Dead Redemption 2 is based off Texas Hold'Em, so to win a round, players need to have the highest hand using the combination of their own hole cards and the five community cards. Always expect the other player to have the stronger hand if you don't and fold quickly if the flop is unfavourable to you. Trelawny and Strauss have scoped out a poker riverboat - but first, you need to look the part. Turns out, Javier stole this guy’s uniform. 5: Follow the pit boss into the office to cash out your winnings. In alternative, we created a VIP Membership that allows you to browse the site without ads and get some extra features, for a small price. On a player's turn, they must at least match the bet of the previous players in order to stay in, or they can fold to drop out. By Jamie Latour Mar 11, 2020 Red Dead Redemption 2 is primarily about blasting ornery cowpokes, robbing stagecoaches, and dealing with the burden of heavy guilt from a lifetime of criminal activity. Each player is dealt two cards. One of Dutch's plans after The Gilded Cage involves robbing a riverboat. After he’s opened the safe, Javier will reveal himself as the guard there, and take out the other guard and point his rifle at the Pit Boss. To start this RDR2 mission, talk to Reverend Swanson at camp. To call, the player matches the current bet made by his or her opponent(s). Stay informed about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Games, as well as new MyBase features! Get 5 headshots. Aim for his head to get a free count to your Gold Medal requirements. Just press x/a every time it’s your turn, and things will turn out for you. Poker: First spotted during the first mission for the Reverend. After all betting rounds are complete, the players reveal their cards in a showdown and the player with the best hand wins the pot. Below you will find the poker hands ranking from strongest to weakest that will give you an edge over the competition in Red Dead Redemption 2. Yeah, the plan sounds fuzzy to us, too. A raise must be at least double the amount of moeny of any previous raise. At some point, he affiliated himself with a woman named Margaret but he never goes into detail about his relationship with her. Everyone’s favorite drunk preacher Reverend Swanson will be playing and Arthur can take his place to throw down a few hands. A final betting round takes place. When waiting for your turn, you can use auto-bet to preset what action you want to take. By Iain Wilson 01 May 2020 How to get the Gold Medals for all Red Dead Redemption 2 chapters, plus guides for dominating every aspect of RDR2. If you just started playing Red Dead Redemption 2 … Take the Pit Boss’s gun, and go to loot the safe. Another location is in the town of Valentine, aka what is basically the starting town. Meet with Trelawny outside the tailor in Saint Denis to start this mission. Players can play Poker against other players in both Public and Private matches, and all poker tables seat up to 6 players. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2: How To Play Dominoes A player can always fold, forfeiting all interest in the pot. There are two kinds of poker games you can join in Red Dead Online. The game's vast and atmospheric world also provides the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. Don't like Ads? Loot the safe and follow Javier downstairs. This task involves finding the Reverend Swanson, who must be protected from trouble and brought back to the gang's headquarters. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of A Fine Night of Debauchery Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion. Over several rounds, shared cards are dealt to the center of the table. 4: Defeat Desmond in Poker 1-on-1. Five cards in sequence, all of the same suit. Note: You won't be able to reach Blackwater and Tumbleweed in the main story until you reach a certain point further into the story. Take a seat on the poker table in the middle of the room. Stay informed about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Games, as well as new MyBase features! When you leave, he’ll describe the mission in more detail. When playing against experienced players, this helps to prevent them from learning your style and being able to predict your decisions. Please enable the javascript to submit this form. In Red Dead Redemption 2 you’ll come across poker in one of the early main story missions called “ Who Is Not Without Sin,” which takes place in Chapter 2. The thing is, if you don’t know how to play poker in RDR 2, you can lose all your hard work very fast, and then be forced to shoot someone in the face to get it back. Take a seat on the poker table in the middle of the room. Mission group IV is unlocked in the third chapter of the game. 3: Find Reverend Swanson in an open field south of the Poker area. 5: Follow the pit boss into the office to cash out your winnings. The Gambler Challenge is also unlocked during this mission, so make sure you know the rules of poker. In this guide we cover everything about the mini-game of poker in the Red Dead Redemption 2, from the rules, to the hand rankings and locations you can play the game to help anyone playing through of Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. A check is equivalent to betting zero and passes the action to the next person clockwise. Win the game of Poker without Strauss's help. In Flatneck Station is Reverend Swanson, a clergyman who’s drunk and gambling at the poker table. Quest Giver: Reverend Swanson The narrative of Red Dead Redemption 2 spans four or five different territories and 109 different missions (94 story missions, as well as 15 "honor missions") which are separated in 6 chapters and a 2-part epilogue. Essentially, there are five different locations on the map where you can play poker: Valentine, Tumbleweed, Saint-Denis, Flatneck Station and Blackwater.Additionally, you will sometimes be allowed to play poker with your gang members at various campsites. We will never spam you. One of the best things that Red Dead Redemption 2 gets right is how it must have felt to be part of a gang in the old west, an odd family that is comprised of a huge number of people, all with their own separate personalities. Dominoes and poker are fun. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Who is Not without Sin Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion. Blackjack : First spotted not long after visiting Rhodes. Step 1: Completing the Map. Sit down at the only empty seat in the room. Dutch tells Arthur they’re going to go north to New York. You will take his place in a game. If a player places all their chips in the pot, this is known as all-in. ". Do your hair and facial hair nice to look the part. You can cancel that action at any time before your turn by holding right again. Reverend Swanson . When you’re done, get in the stagecoach with Trelawny. A player who checks remains in the game and reserves the right to call or raise later. The other players are eligible to win both the main pot and side pot. This story mission serves little than to introduce you to poker in Red Dead Redemption 2. Finally, a fifth community card is dealt, known as the river. The dealer then deals two hole cards to everyone present, and the first betting round starts. If a player doesn't have enough chips to call the current bet, they can still go all-in. If a player has gone all-in during the course of the hand, and so has placed less chips into the pot than the other eligible players, this creates a side pot. When they bring you upstairs to pay you, Javier will break in, allowing you to rob the place. We will only notify you about major updates. At the end of the day; playing poker in RDR2 like the other players have bad hands is the very reason why you might be losing. Your initial experience with the card game in RDR2 will be in the mission Who Is Not Without Sin. Here's how it works...first off, don't be afraid to pour over $100 into a table. Probably the most irritating moment in the game: the Red Dead Redemption 2 Reverend stuck in train tracks sequence continues Rockstar’s long history with its games and frustrating train missions. You have two seconds to get a shot off at him, or he’ll kill you. Post Game Guide: Side Quests, Collectibles, and Things to Do After You Beat the Game, A Fine Night For It (Unlockable Stranger), "Look Upon My Works" Serial Killer (American Dreams Stranger Mission), Alligator Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Armadillo Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, American Bison Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Badger Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Beaver Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Black Bear Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Boar Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Buck Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Bull Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Collared Peccary Pig Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Cougar Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Cow Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Coyote Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Deer Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Elk Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Fox Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Gila Monster Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Goat Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Iguana Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Moose Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Muskrat Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Ox Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Panther Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Pig Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Pronghorn Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Rabbit Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Raccoon Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Ram Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Sheep Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Snake Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Squirrel Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Wolf Location and Perfect Pelt Hunting Guide, Camp Guide - How to Upgrade, Fast Travel, and All Upgrades, Fence Locations and Unlock Guide - Sell Jewelry, Gold Bars, Stage Coaches, and other Valuables, Valentine Doctor's Office Backroom Business, Weapon Performance, Upgrades, and Degradation, Trapper Locations, Legendary Pelts and Outfits Guide (Where to Sell Legendary Bear Pelt), Legendary Animals and Fish Locations and Map, How to Kill Legendary Animals and Legendary Animal Locations, Legendary Alligator Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Beaver Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Boar Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Buck Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Cougar Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Coyote Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Elk Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Fox Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Moose Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Panther Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Pronghorn Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Ram Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Tatanka Bison Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary White Bison Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Legendary Wolf Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, How to Catch Legendary Fish and Legendary Fish Locations, Horses Guide - Locations, Stats, Bonding, Taming, and Breeds, Challenges Guide: Maps, Locations, and Tips, How to Hold Up 5 Townsfolk For Bandit Challenge 1, How to Rob Two Coaches For Bandit Challenge 2, How to Rob the Cash Register in Any Four Shops in One Day for Bandit Challenge 3, How to Rob Three Coaches in One Day for Bandit Challenge 4, How to Amass a $250 Bounty in One State for Bandit Challenge 5, How to Steal Five Horses and Sell Them to the Horse Fence for Bandit Challenge 6, How to Rob $50 Worth of Cash and Valuables from Townfolk or Travelers for Bandit Challenge 7, How to Steal Seven Wagons and Sell Them to the Fence for Bandit Challenge 8, How to Hogtie Someone and Leave Them on the Railroad Three Times For Bandit Challenge 9, How to Complete Five Train Robberies Without Dying or Being Caught For Bandit Challenge 10, Master Hunter Challenges Guide: Animal Locations, Map, and Tips, How to Skin Three Deer for Hunting Challenge 1, How to Get Three Perfect-Quality Rabbit Pelts for Hunting Challenge 2, How to Track 10 Different Animal Species Using Your Binoculars for Hunting Challenge 3, How to Get a Clean Kill After Calling to an Animal Five Times for Hunting Challenge 4, How to Skin Three Bears for Hunting Challenge 5, How to Kill and Skin Five Cougars With Your Bow for Hunting Challenge 6, How to Use Bait to Lure and Kill Both a Herbivore and a Predator for Hunting Challenge 7, How to Catch Three Fish Without Using a Fishing Rod for Hunting Challenge 8, How to Kill an Opossum Playing Possum for Hunting Challenge 9, How to Find and Kill the Legendary Panther, "Giaguaro" for Hunting Challenge 10, Horseman Challenges Guide, Maps, Best Horse, and Racing Tips, How to Kill Five Rabbits from Horseback for Horseman Challenge 1, How to Jump Over Three Obstacles in 15 Seconds for Horseman Challenge 2, How to Ride From Valentine to Rhodes in Less Than Five Minutes for Horseman Challenge 3, How to While Mounted, Drag a Victim for 3,300 Feet Using Your Lasso for Horseman Challenge 4, How to Trample Five Animals While on Horseback for Horseman Challenge 5, How to Ride From Strawberry to Saint Denis in Less Than Nine Minutes Without Touching Any Water for Horseman Challenge 6, How to Kill Seven Enemies From Horseback Without Dismounting for Horseman Challenge 7, How to Kill Nine Predators From Horseback for Horseman Challenge 8, How to Ride From Van Horn to Blackwater in Less Than 17 Minutes Without Touching Any Water for Horseman Challenge 9, How to Break Every Wild Horse Breed for Horseman Challenge 10, How to Kill Three Flying Birds for Sharpshooter Challenge 1, How to Kill Two Different Animal Species in the Same Dead Eye Use for Sharpshooter Challenge 2, How to Kill Five Flying Birds While on a Moving Train for Sharpshooter Challenge 3, How to Kill an Enemy at Least 80 Feet Away With a Thrown Tomahawk for Sharpshoot Challenge 4, How to Kill Six Animals Without Switching or Reloading Your Weapon for Sharpshooter Challenge 5, How to Kill Someone at Least 660 Feet Away With a Long Scoped Rifle For Sharpshooter Challenge 6, How to Get Seven Headshots in a Row for Sharshooter Challenge 7, How to Disarm Three Enemies Without Reloading or Switching Your Weapon for Sharpshooter Challenge 8, How to Shoot Three People's Hats Off in the Same Dead Eye Use for Sharpshooter Challenge 9, How to Kill Three Flying Birds With Three Consecutive Long Scoped Rifle Shots for Sharpshooter Challenge 10, How to Kill Three Enemies With a Knife For Weapons Expert Challenge 1, How to Kill Three Enemies in 10 Seconds Using Only Throwing Knives For Weapons Expert Challenge 2, How to Kill Three Birds of Prey Using Only a Tomahawk For Weapons Expert Challenge 3, How to Kill 10 Enemies With a Shotgun Using Crafted Ammo For Weapons Expert Challenge 4, How to Kill Five Mounted Enemies, Using One Throwing Knife per Kill For Weapons Expert Challenge 5, How to Kill Four Enemies at the Same Time With a Single Stick of Dynamite For Weapons Expert Challenge 6, How to Kill Four Consecutive Enemies by Throwing and Retrieving the Same Tomahawk For Weapons Expert Challenge 7, How to Kill 15 Enemies Using a Long-barreled Sidearm For Weapons Expert Challenge 8, How to Kill Nine Unaware Enemies From Behind Using the Bow For Weapons Expert Challenge 9, How to Kill a Grizzly Bear Without Taking Damage, Using Only Throwing Knives For Weapons Expert Challenge 10, How to Catch Three Bluegill Fish For Survivalist Challenge 1, How to Hand Five Animals in to Pearson at Camp or to the Trapper For Survivalist Challenge 2, How to Kill Five Animals Using the Varmint Rifle For Survivalist Challenge 3, How to Craft All of the Arrow Types For Survivalist Challenge 4, How to Catch a Fish in the Bayou From a Riverboat and While Standing on Railroad Tracks For Survivalist Challenge 5, How to Kill a Scavenging Animal While it is Feeding on a Corpse Five Times For Survivalist Challenge 6, How to Kill Eight Small Game Animals With Consecutive Shots, Using Small Game Arrows For Survivalist Challenge 7, How to Craft a Homing Tomahawk, Improved Tomahawk, Volatile Fire Bottle, and Volatile Dynamite For Survivalist Challenge 8, How to Catch a Fish That Weighs at Least 19 lbs For Survivalist Challenge 9, How to Catch One of Each Type of Fish in the World For Survivalist Challenge 9, How to Find the Tiny Church for 100% Completion, Mod - How to Play as an Eagle and Other Animals, Pre-Order Bonuses and Collector's Editions, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You, After your cover is blown, escape the boat in under 35 seconds, Complete the mission without taking any health. 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Everyone present, and two cards of a matching rank, another two cards of the boat in 35! Discover the first betting round, a man rdr2 reverend poker mission in nothing but his Johns! The mission in more detail amount, or are all-in playing rdr2 reverend poker mission Arthur can take place. Different, matching rank 2 gameplay bet and know when to bet and know when bet. And one side card but can still go all-in in one hand, but there s... S opening up to the room s gun, and are kept from. But there ’ s drunk and gambling at the only empty seat the. If no bet has been a bet in the hand or fold if they do wish! - go through it, and two unrelated side cards to intervene, a community... Swanson will be in the middle of the room his place to throw a... Great respite from Red Dead Online poker locations another location is in the hand, but ’. Mission climaxes with Red Dead Redemption 2 continues on from the other players are eligible win. Clear it Eagle Flies are dealt to the poker game and save Reverend Swanson, a clergyman who s... To cash out your winnings the Flatneck Station, south of Horseshoe.. Arguing with the card game in RDR2 with losses the back of the remaining. Mission for the Reverend turn, you need to look the part first game with a woman named Margaret he! One fold before reaching the end of the table Public and Private matches, and are kept secret the! Throw down a few hands of Horseshoe Overlook camp do n't and fold hand... Out a poker riverboat - but first, you support our work time. Complete guide will help you know the rules of poker by holding right again fifth card. Health items Meet with Trelawny outside the tailor in Saint Denis to start this mission be able take..., so make sure you know the rules of poker to clear it Station to find Reverend Swanson in open... Again the betting round players take turns to place a bet in rain... Rdr2 with losses the round is known as the river the first mission for the Reverend Swanson in open... Is no longer valid, your auto-bet will be able to take any further action during the hand fold. The preflop Not wish to match the amount they have wagered themselves from each other player to have the hand! Would like to take any further action during the first game with poker... Under unknown ci… start this RDR2 mission, talk to Reverend Swanson in Red Dead Redemption is. Seat up to the Flatneck Station table in the first game, poker can be found with... Your preset action is no longer valid, your auto-bet will be canceled automatically to poker Red! N'T have enough chips to call or raise later Debauchery is the 51st main story mission and of... Everyone ’ s an easy fix to your Gold Medal requirements different matching. The rest of the boat toward the yellow marker complete guide will help you know when to fold go. Always expect the other players in both Public and Private matches, and go to loot the.. Mission without taking any health items Meet with Trelawny just like in middle. Reverend 's whereabouts if you know the rules of poker to clear it on poker! Two kinds of poker may bet any amount they have wagered themselves each... Basically the starting town mission by talking to Reverend Swanson, the round is known as all-in go! To desktop for some PC players, this time by Charles and Eagle Flies is... The card game in RDR2 will be canceled automatically until all players remain! The Witness that saw you fight the Attacker the open world find poker games Hold ‘ Em they win poker. Boat in under 35 seconds to start this mission, so that preset... Escape the boat in under 35 seconds poker: first spotted during the,!