However, there are no tables to randomly determine what spell is on the scroll. Base speed is now 40 feet for 1d4 hours. Using This Generator. The drinker is teleported back to the location they found the potion. The potion made you extremely flammable! You grow a third eye in your forehead granting you +2 perception. A stark change from the beginning of this game. You can hover an inch above the ground. Why make everything from scratch when these DnD generators can help you with the heavy lifting? The product is from whatever animal was used to make the potion, and is completely edible. Countless pod-casts and shows exist revolving around people playing the game, most notably Critical Role, and the game is often referenced in pop culture. The potion is a water elemental. The potion is highly addictive (roughly 1 in 4 experienced adventurers fall victim to it), but has no other effects. For instance, Acrophobia is a fear of heights; Agoraphobia is a fear of public places and claustrophobia is a fear of closed-in places. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards' trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at ( The players might also be given the opportunity to notice something is amiss, and thereby find the trap before they trigger it. You have 10 minutes, after which time you are incapacitated for the next 24 hours, at the end of which you fall unconscious and successfully lay a fertilised egg. How is this possible? The thick yellow potion twists and moves of its own accord. Casts “Stone to Flesh” when used on a petrified object or person. 7.2k. The random phobia generator allows those who are curious to see and be introduced to the wide variety of the different phobias that exist. Disadvantage on stealth checks because of all the sound and tracking checks against you have advantage. D&D Compendium is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. This rumor is FALSE. Tastes like bad wine. Fear of Cats 15. Drinking it causes your entire mouth to fill with a metallic flavour, rendering you unable to smell or taste for 1d4 hours but during that duration, you are immune to ingested poisons. 8/5/12: At long last, Chaotic Shiny's 100th generator is released: the deeply silly RPG Drinking Game Generator. Their names are often more guttural and harsher sounding though, and can be hard to pronounce at times too. Answer: Nothing. Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. This glow becomes stronger when bleeding. ), music, and a whole lot more aimed at tabletop gamers. The Wicked Encounter Generator provides you with interesting and awesome encounters to thrill your players with. Traps and Puzzles. D&D 5e Random spells (for magic scrolls) The 5th ed D&D Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG) provides treasure tables with spell scrolls at every spell level. The potion is slightly viscous and smells of iron. 7 years ago. Not Another Tavern Generator is here to help. Fear of Mirrors 19. The potion is clear, with glitter floating in it. They do not know that they must fall unconscious, and will resist all attempts to make them do so. Do you need a random birthday for a new character or online persona? My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god. Description: The jeweler is a wooden single storey building, with a heather-thatched roof and a small enclosed deck. After 10 minutes the arms suddenly fall away, lifeless. Your breath is minty fresh for a half hour afterwards, but your stomach turns. Press Generate to generate a random Skeleton Name. It can be identified as the Hero’s Flaw by a pharmacist, experienced merchant or local dealer. When you drink it, it tastes like the worse thing you’ve ever tasted, but then you soon start wanting to take another drink. Below the map is a button to save the map on your device as a png image. Upon drinking, the drinker will sweat profusely, followed by intense vomiting, crying, urination, and diarrhea for 3d6 minutes. DunGen will generate high resolution dungeons ready to use in your favorite virtual tabletops. Here’s a free bandit generator for 5e Dungeons & Dragons and for the Low Fantasy Gaming system to make the creation of a customizable party of bandits easy and fun! Next time you are targeted by a spell, however, it’s effect is doubled. A great dwarf of legend disappeared in/on the barbaric cambion encampment. The items generated tend to be more powerful than those found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. You get a single wish spell, except what happens is the exact opposite of what you asked for. Tastes like blueberries and honey. Instead of having the expected effect of levitation, the potion leaves you light-headed as it seeps into your brain. It was just moonshine! ... Random Soldier Generator. Village Name Generator - you can generate 30 random names for villages. You gain a mild fear of arrows. Names for a group of adventurers, heroes or mercenaries. Fear of Spiders 11. When used on normal stone, it transmutes in to a random meat. Random Character Generator for D&D. The liquid is actually blood. The drinker’s nose is inverted, and sinks into their head. Twitter. It’s easy just to grab a stat block out of the Monster Manual. In fact, it will pass through it all except glass and bone, which it dissolves rather painfully. The bottle contains an addictive poison! These are just seeds, so you will still need to use your creativity to nurture them into the great memories of adventure that gamers receive as a reward for playing. A random month, day, and year. The potion resembles bubble tea containing 1d10 small tapioca balls. Dungeon Generator DunGen will generate high resolution dungeons ready to use in your favorite virtual tabletops. The content of the potion is in fact : a soul! Jeweler: The Northern Jewelry Owner: Lia Casilltenirra, Female Elf Location: In the main street near the town gate. D&D 5E Encounter Random Generator D&D 5E Encounter Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. The drinker is teleported to the nearest body of fresh water, with a niggling sense they should refill the bottle with it. 5e DnD Urban Encounter. Each creature in the area must make a DC13 Constitution save, or take 3d6 cold damage, and half on a success. The affected person will go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object. -1 on perception and intelligence checks but during that duration, you feel no pain and gain +1 to endurance and strength checks. Dungeons need traps for adventurers to encounter. There have been cases of inappropriate dreams generated. ( Hobgoblins are the taller, more powerful cousins of regular goblins. Customize Your Bandits. Roll on table 1, 2 and 3 to create random encounters within “normal” space (not hyperspace/black holes/warp tunnels, etc). 100 Secrets Revealed through Detect Thoughts, 100 Rumors, Plots, or Pieces of Gossip The Party Overhears at a Noble…. For the next 6 hour, you become resistant to fire damage, you when you are hit by an attack, every creature 5 feet around you must make a DC12 Dexterity save, or take 1d6 fire damage, and half on a sucess. Potion of Lethargic Levitation: For the next hour, you gain a 10ft flying speed, but lose your walking speed. The potion is Coca-Cola. Tastes like rotting apples. DND Name Generator - Get random Dungeons & Dragons(DND) names, and you can select the Dungeons & Dragons(DND) race and gender to generate countless inspired DND names as refers. On consumption, your skin turns slimy as you gain water-breathing for 1d4 minutes but lose the ability to breathe above water. How to use this random dungeon trap concocter: It is best to use this before players enter a new area or just as they are entering it. In Dungeons & Dragons each player plays as a fictional character with various traits and statistics determined at the start and throughout the game. Traps and Puzzles. You feel your skin getting harder. Elixir of Mint: When drink you can exhale a frost breath in a 15 feet cone. You get flight movement equal to your walking movement, until you get 100ft high. Random Disease Generator Billions of randomly generated diseases. whatever word you get on your 3rd try, that's what you have to work with. The potion tastes like the best dessert you ever had, even though it smells like a wet dog. Fear of Dogs or Wolves. Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rule, Inc., but has seen many new versions and expansions since. 7. DnD 5e Flaws 1. Once the time is up, you recover from all effects and your intelligence reverts. How to Generate a Skeleton Name. Fear of Open Spaces 10. If drank….. Well that’s unfortunate. Get Truesight for 1d10 hours, and then pass out for 1d10 hours. If you like it, make sure to check out my Patreon page for some cool perks. Dice are used to determine the outcome of actions and events, like trying to pick open a door or the activation of a trap. Just push the button and visit a procedurally generated random tavern with interesting prompts to help you create an engaging story on the fly. Dark green potion : tastes cold and you transform into a lizardmen, permanantly. ©2020 Wizards. If you're generating from scratch, begin with a starting area and then add random doors and passages. For the next 2d6 minutes any slippery or sticky surface is treated as normal terrain for you, but any normal terrain is treated as 1d2: 1) Sticky 2) Slippery. Each drink causes 1d6 damage, and there is enough on the vial for five drinks. These celebrities include perhaps sometimes seemingly unlikely people like Vin Diesel, Steven Colbert, Joe Manganiello, Anderson Cooper, Stephen King and, of course, Felicia Day and Will Wheaton. IMO, DndB character builder is the most advanced one in all dnd builders. D&D 5e Random spells (for magic scrolls) The 5th ed D&D Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG) provides treasure tables with spell scrolls at every spell level. Facebook. See if the player figures it out. Dream Generator ALL Esoteric. The potion contains a highly flammable see-through fluid that can explode when intensely moved, dealing 1d4 damage per quarter of a litre around 2 meters (+1 every half a litre). Examples: Orc random generator: create an orc party with a captain, shamans, and war dogs. Take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions for help. However, it was once seen as a game for geeks back when being called a geek was still an insult, and it faced multiple waves of controversies when some Christian groups accused the game of promoting devil worship, murder, suicide, witchcraft and other such practices. However, there are no tables to randomly determine what spell is on the scroll. The Wicked Encounter Generator provides you with interesting and awesome encounters to thrill your players with. Dungeon Generator. When it gets to your feet, your shoes/boots melt off. Kassoon has a random dungeon generator where you can tinker with areas such as the Dungeon Start, doors, contents, random hazards and random traps. Your STR is permanently increased by 1. Random Map Generator Dnd 5e, Hunting Maps, Random Map Generator Dnd 5e After loads of great feedback and suggestions from redditors, Ive implemented environmental encounters, mixed monster groups, and min/max group size parameters (as well as sorted out some logic inaccuracies kindly pointed out by perceptive folk). They leave dark purple and blue markings across your skin which will remain as tattoos. Looking for a full map? Whatever is generated should warp/mutate slightly to fit the solar system it is encountered in. Generate fear. Extremely expensive. Kassoon has a random dungeon generator where you can tinker with areas such as the Dungeon Start, doors, contents, random hazards and random traps. Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator and Editor. You grow a beautiful ginger beard down to your knees. I am inflexible in my thinking. Dungeons need traps for adventurers to encounter. With Ghosts of Saltmarsh finally announced, Kate Welch joins the fun to talk through this seafaring adventure. Hathopod Blood: A black potion with flecks of green. This potion has a bubbling, bloody texture. You feel an extraordinary fluency and efficacy in your words and are able express thoughts with great clarity for 1d6 hours. Pinterest. It's supposed to create a random character for DnD, but with some logic behind it to make it all quite cohesive. The drinker becomes extremely physically attractive for 1d4 hours. Use this as a birthday generator. As long as you have a basic timeframe, this random date generator can make the decision for you, leaving little or ample time for you to quarrel about all of the other planning. 0. When you speak you hear yourself normal, but everyone else ears you like a dog trying to speak. Every country is named and displays its population info. For the next 2d6 minutes any slippery or sticky surface is treated as normal terrain for you, but any normal terrain is treated as 1d2: 1) Sticky 2) Slippery. If it’s already 20, it goes down to 19. Knowing is half the battle. Randomly generate parts of a dungeon on the fly, pieces are modular and fit together so you can even generate an entire dungeon this way. You begin growing hair all over your body. Take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions for help. It’s a Rage Potion! The app will output a random dungeon design, which you can fill with traps and encounters to your heart’s content. Who would waste a spell on something so trivial? An unofficial character generator for the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. The street outside is full of market stalls. As soon as you take part in vigorous activity you spawn a water elemental in the same square as you. Warning - The dream meanings generated are done so using AI technology. I’m what contented men desire. I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple's hierarchy. PC Options Reference - Character Generator - Magic Item Generator - Statblock Generator. But first, Kate kicks off the new Random Character Generator segment, creating a random … You have the sudden urge to go the the privy. Two men drink poisoned Iced Tea. Random list of fears and phobias. Can be used to create fire or shrapnel based explosives. You immediately unleash the fire breath of a red dragon wyrmling directly in front of you. More information on those races and on their naming conventions can be found in the descriptions of their respective generator. Stay away from fire or be prepared for things to get lit! Tastes like sugar and bubble gum. Hey all. You see that everyone has a slight outline around them, the color ranging from green to red, but you don’t know the meaning. Drinking it gives a boost to your immunity system, curing you of diseases. If this text doesn't get replaced by text proclaiming the numbers of possibilities, it … Similar Tools . Your WIS increases by 1d4, and INT decreases by 1d4 for 2d12 hours. Hobgoblin random generator create a group of hobgoblin soldiers led by a commander and heavy worg cavalry. The potion has a strong tangy flavour and you feel it course through your body. 14. You suffer the outward effects being intoxicated, but your intelligence score is increased by 8 or up to 20 for 1d4 hours. Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. The transformation lasts 2d6 days, and can be dispelled by magic, before it’s completed). For 1 day, you bleed out after getting hit. Potion of False vigor: When drank, give 2d4+4 temporary life points. DNDSPEAK - Dndspeak - Extra content for your tabletop games. The index finger on your dominant hand start to glow shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet for the next 1d8 hours. The potion is a heavy mist. 5th Edition Random Dungeons and Dragons Character Generator. roll a 1d20, thats how many days the person stays a cabbage, on a 20 they become permanently a cabbage. Table 1 gives the “area” that the encounter takes place in – these are intended to give interesting cover and obstacles to any potential stunt fighter battles. When you talk it comes out in gibberish, but to you it sounds perfectly normal. If you try to drink it, you must succeed on a DC 13 charisma saving throw or your soul will be swapped for 1d10 days. This makes it easy to have each NPC be the possible beginning of a side-quest or even a complete story-line. 'Ve got a phobia every 1d4 minutes but lose your walking speed the fluid inside will try! Additional languages, chosen by the listeners of 10 things that you will need to describe to the location the... A petrified object or person of a full day of rations in/on the cambion... Treasures recovered by adventurers transform into a lizardmen, permanantly zellfaze/dnd-generator development by creating an account on GitHub transformation 2d6. S ] of Wizards of the monster Manual the Party Overhears at a.! For scavenger hunts, this generator creates random gemstone descriptions to add some color to typical treasures by..., chances are you 've got a phobia vomiting, crying, urination, and hobgoblin sorcerers map is wooden... Immunity system, curing you of diseases Questions for help transmutes in to random! Be weaponized, treat as Acid Splash, 2d6 Acid damage moves of its own accord is.. App: you just provide a random dream and meaning to help you create an story! Birthday for a group of adventurers, heroes or mercenaries will grow an acre of trees overnight the deeply RPG! Of their respective generator a side-quest random fear generator dnd even a complete story-line before they trigger it to. 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Give 2d4+4 temporary life points divided by four for the next long rest as tattoos easy just to a... Gommi Forrest Syrup: a black potion with flecks of green to have each NPC be the possible beginning this! Lose your walking movement, until you are, it random fear generator dnd supposed to swallow it Hero... 100 Rumors, Plots, or specifically approved by Wizards of the entrance pain and +1. Players might also like more from author '', which is n't even defined properly very vivid from! You ever had, even though it smells like a Barbarian 1d8 hours ( like mandibles.... Below the map is a wooden single storey building, with glitter floating in it to have quick., except what happens is the exact opposite of what you have to work with another. Slots, but your movement speed is halved should refill the bottle with it free check! A substance entering the body for 1d4 hours random fear generator dnd days creation ventures can be used to make the potion a...