Most of the other admission types are either beginning a new commitment under a special circumstance or are a readmission to continue a previous term. Department of Corrections and Community Supervision The phrase "IN CUSTODY" is shown for those who are currently in this Department's custody. The New York City Department of Correction is tasked with the control, care and custody of inmates held in New York’s City Jail. Each inmate is to identify his or her racial and ethnic origin by selecting from the following lists of categories. External web sites operate at the direction of their respective owners who should be contacted directly with questions regarding the content of these sites. The crime class is a set of codes including A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, and E with A1 felonies being the most serious and E felonies the least serious. This is the most timely information available by computer. This data item does not indicate when the inmate will definitely be released but is rather an indication of the earliest date on which he or she might be released. date. Individuals confined in state prison since the early 1970s are listed in the database, except youthful offenders, individuals who have had their convictions set aside by a court, and certain previously incarcerated non-violent offenders covered by a special provision codified in Correction Law §9, which took effect in 2010. The information about racial and ethnic origin is self-reported. It is also possible to Lookup individuals by name. DOCCS received the EO88 Award for Most Comprehensive Energy Exchange Program at the New York … issuing the license or granting employment would involve an unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public. ineligible to earn Merit Time as set forth in Correction Law § 803(1)(d), namely those convicted of a violent felony offense, a sex offense or certain other A-1 felony offenses other than drugs; or. This search can be used to retrieve public information about adult offenders who have been committed to the Commissioner of Corrections, and who are still under jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections (i.e. Information Technology Unit; Internal Affairs; Public Information Office; Technical Operations Unit; Active Warrants; Inmate Lookup. If you have difficulty finding an incarcerated individual, you may call DOCCS Central Files at 518-457-5000 for assistance. The year of the inmate's initial admission to the Department for the current incarceration. The Time Allowance Committee reviews the inmate's incarceration behavior and participation in prison programs to decide if he or she has earned "good time" off his or her maximum sentence. The inmate is considered by the Time Allowance Committee (consisting of prison staff) four months prior to his or her conditional release date. DCJS is responsible for maintaining the New York State Sex Offender Registry. The most recent date on which an inmate was accepted into the custody of the New York State Department of Correctional Services to serve a sentence resulting from a valid judicial or administrative process. Experimentation with entering information in some or all of the search fields and varying the amount of information provided in the search fields, such as partial names, will often lead to better results. Auburn Correctional Facility inmate case files, 1993-1996 3. Information you'll receive can include offense reports, list of charges, arresting agency and requirements necessary for release. Indicates the DOCS reception center at which the inmate was originally admitted for the current incarceration - in most cases. Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present. VINE is the nation’s leading victim notification system, empowering survivors of crime with the updated custody status and criminal case information they need to remain safe and maintain peace of mind. If an inmate is granted a Parole release, he or she will be under parole supervision of some level until discharged by the NYS Division of Parole. Look Up An Inmate New York State Police Jail. New York Department of Corrections Inmate Search: Step 1: Visit the New York inmate search hosted by the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, which appears as below: Step 2: Enter the New York State ID Number or Department ID Number if known, to be taken directly to that New York inmate’s results.Otherwise, you must enter a minimum of a partial last name to initiate a search. A sequentially assigned number within the reception center. If you enter Will, it will look for Williams, Willis, Williamson, Willoughby, and so forth. These status phrases are generally self explanatory. A variety of phrases indicate how or why an inmate no longer in prison was released. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. If the inmate is not released by the Parole Board at his or her initial appearance or a subsequent one, he or she may eventually be released by conditional release. his or her minimum term. Be aware though that using the year of birth is based on an exact match with the individual's last name. Search our database to find an inmate or parolee. Since this statute applies to individuals who have already been released from prison, information previously found on this website may no longer be available. These fields contain an aggregate of the amount of time the inmate must serve for the crimes for which he or she was committed. These include: Shock incarceration, This Lookup has been implemented to minimize the effort to request information and to respond to those requests. There are two ways to find someone by name: Exact last name with year of birth and/or partial/full last name. 95.5% of NY inmates are male and the rest female. Option 1: You can search the inmate database by entering the first and last name in the text boxes provided. It is extracted from the Department's main information database about the incarcerated individual and placed on the webpage at the moment of the request. there is a direct relationship between the previous criminal offense(s) and the specific license or employment sought; or. The same DIN is used throughout individuals' terms of commitment no matter where they are housed. The process for finding someone in jail may be different. The New York State Identification (NYSID) is intended for criminal justice agencies only. Computerized information on the Inmate Lookup is generally available 24 hours a day except for a 15-minute interval every night beginning at approximately 11:45 pm (Eastern Standard Time). Prior incarceration information that was removed will be restored for offenders who return to prison. before the Parole Board four months prior to his or her parole eligibility Inmate/Parolee Locator. The law also requires that all official youthful offender records and papers are confidential and may not be made available to any person or public or private agency other than the institution to which a youthful offender has been committed. A youthful offender can be between the ages of 16 and 18 at the time the offense was committed. The New York State Department of Correctional Services is responsible for over 60,000 inmates. Interested parties can search for inmates using the online Inmate Lookup. What is Inmate Lookup? If an inmate has a maximum expiration date, maximum expiration date for parole supervision and/or a post release supervision maximum expiration date, the latest date is controlling. Bedford Hills Correct… The Inmate/Parolee Locator is a database that contains information about each inmate and parolee currently under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections (DOC).The location of an inmate does not indicate the type of treatment the person is receiving at that SCI.