- General: Fixed handling of block pointers, which could corrupt links in NIF files. As for the Special Edition on PC, many ⦠Outfit Studio: Refresh only affected meshes on mirror or UV inversion. BodySlide: Installing  (1) - You need these mods:   * BodySlide and Outfit Studio    * XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended    * FNIS (Fores New Idles in Skyrim)    * HDT Physics Extension  (2) - BodySlide overwrites HDT when installing. If you look in the folder there are usually several XML files, and together the different CBBE subtypes will be more clear (Vanilla Outfits, Dragonborn, etc). This page was last edited on 31 May 2020, at 17:14. CBPC and HDT-SMP are physics engines that use the skeletons, add weight to them, and make them respond to gravity/movement. You might notice that a Preset isn't showing up on a given Outfit/Body. See the Installation section for detail. Fortunately Outfit Studio allows modders to make models that have these skeleton bits with with weight etc. Install any BodySlide addons to Vortex as well. Importantly, don't add models with physics without the supporting mods, it will cause problems. Outfit Studio: Fixed move and scale menus marking all vertices as modified in slider edit. Outfit Studio: Slider data is now copied when duplicating a shape or setting a reference. Outfit Studio: Added import and export of .tri (head) files used by the game (not body morphs). The article will explain the process of setting up BodySlide and Outfit Studio for use with Vortex. "Outfit" should be thought of loosely. And in fact in this case, both Groups seem to have the exact same 'Members' ('Members' are just Outfits/Body that are now in a Group). The other benefit of Presets is it let's you set a specific Model's body proportions, and then load up a different Model (say, a plate armor and a barkeep clothing) and see how the same configuration looks with different types of clothing. You need to build the outfits in bodyslide - otherwise my mod will do nothing. Outfit Studio: Fixed rare crashes after deleting shapes. mo2) Build bodyslide before load game Required CBBE SE CBBE 3BBB Advanced BodySlide and Outfit Studio HDT - SMP CBPC Physics I have rebuilt bodyslide for better brasmp sorry my english is not good - General: Added a customizable renderer background color to the settings. save. How do you open BodySlide and outfit studio? Outfit Studio: Fixed crash when creating NiGeometryData without UVs. Like any other mod, nif files will be outputted to your Data folder in the Skyrim directory and will then replace the corresponding nif file built into the game. - SSE: Added new conversion references for UNP/UNPB to CBBE SSE. - Outfit Studio: Fixed conforming not working on shapes that have transforms (bug in 4.3.2). Outfit Studio: Updated reference skeletons for SK and SSE to fix wrong finger positioning. This goes beyond simply what their skin texture looks like but how large their shoulders, hips, and 'endowments' are. - General: NIF files now have their blocks sorted correctly (nodes before shapes). Use AltairNightingaleHDTCapeArmor in Outfit/Body dropdown. Outfit Studio: Don't copy slider data into the project when toggling subindex/dynamic. Bodyslide and Outfit Studio ⦠with a skeleton that enables physics (bounce) for body presets. must be "Built" with the chosen Preset. If this does happen, BodySlide is kind enough to bring up a second window asking you to resolve the conflict; namely pick which model you wish to choose. For the UUNP option to create custom-fit generated armor pieces. All references moved to the CBBE main mod! Outfit Studio: Added tooltips to the toolbar in the UV editor. You need to build outfits for this to work. How To â Building outfits with Bodyslide for Skyrim â What is UUNP special? Outfit Studio: Fixed issues with loading and saving some .tri (head) files. 100% Upvoted. 2) It then looks at the slider configuration you've made (or perhaps selected as a Preset, it doesn't matter), and 3) it will then create 2 files, the "xxx_0.nif" & "xxx_1.nif" that get added to your Data folder (or Mod Manager virtual folder). Outfit Studio: Added conversion of NiSkinInstance to BSDismemberSkinInstance when applying partitions. âA comprehensive bugfixing mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition. This guide will assume you know very little about modding or how mods work in Skyrim. Clicking this will open a window that clearly shows how Groups are defined. Outfit Studio: UV Edit - Added box deselection while holding the Alt key. You may notice there is CBBE, and also CBBE Bodies, and maybe CBBE Vanilla Outfits. General: Now uses absolute paths for everything. Below each you'll see the Outfits/Bodies that each Group contains. Outfit Studio: Inject new bone nodes into the right position of the hierarchy. The NeverNude models all have underwear. Outfit Studio: Fixed UVs and more being lost after vertex deletions for LE. Why have 2 Groups with the exact members? This can be helpful if you're finding Mod Organizer isn't putting them where you think they should be. Practically, this means any .nif meshes (Outfit/Body) you Build must have these skeleton bits in it. It seems that several players are confused about how to use custom bodies and BodySlide in Mod Organizer (MO). Outfit Studio: Fixed close vertices sometimes not welding. This will filter out all selected Groups that have any of those terms in the name (this would be an "and" function). It requires a 'skeleton' (this is not a literal bony skeleton but an invisible kind of wireframe use for animating) that is then told how to move by other modders. Import and export .FBX, .OBJ and .NIF meshes. Like Build, it: 1) Checks the slider configuration you've made, but then instead of checking the single Outfit/Body you've picked, 2) it checks which Groups you have chosen (next to Outfit/Body, in the Group Filter Window, You'll know which Outfits are being filtered by checking the Outfit/Body drop down box), and 3) creates two .nif files for each Outfit/Body from all members in the selected Group(s). BodySlide: Remember last "Build Morphs" selection in the config file. How do I install BodySlide and outfit studio in Skyrim? Included CBBE Uniboob reference by Acro748. You might see only one version of a metal armor but two (physics and non) for cloth. There's no point in using this tool without BodySlide. (Note choosing more than one Group is an "or" function, as in it'll include any Members that belong to any of the chosen Groups, this is opposed to an "add" function that selects members that must in both groups). Soft requirement if you want to change her body, (only required if you download one of the bodyslide options). Outfit Studio: Fixed slider corruption when using Split Edge after loading a reference. The CBBE part means the models were created in Outfit Studio and can be edited in CBBE, but the created models may use different sliders than the default sliders. Outfit Studio: Fixed shape renaming for FBX import. However there are a couple nuances. Most likely this is because you selected the "Never Nude" option when installing CBBE, which replaced the naked female model ("femalebody_0.nif") with one that has underwear. Outfit Studio: Fixed NIF export of selected shapes only. * General: Skyrim Special Edition support! You should see 2 Groups: CBBE, and CBBE Bodies. Outfit Studio: Added menu item "Edit -> Remove Skinning" for disabling skinning for all shapes. Outfit Studio: Fixed several conflicts between the UV editor and the main renderer. Additionally, Groups also help keep sets of armors that belong together in one package so you can easily Batch Build them. The usage of Bodyslide and its inner working is the primary goal of this document. Outfit Studio: Fixed pivot position not being initialized properly when turning on transform mode. * Outfit Studio: Bone weights for FO4 and SSE meshes are now normalized more accurately. There are 2 major archetype of presets: CBBE(mostly refered to as Bodyslide) and UNP( refered primairly as UUNP). - General: Fixed crash when loading textures in the ATI2 format (often FO4 normal maps). Outfit Studio: Added batch export of all sliders to individual OBJ files. If you use NMM or MO, you have to run BodySlide through their interface. Most of these extra physics packages have their own readmes, descriptions, compatibilities, and Fores New Idles requires the running of an executable. At the very top of Bodyslide is the "Outfit/Body" dropdown. Outfit Studio: Reference templates that load multiple shapes now keep all slider data external. only if selecting CBBE in FOMOD installer, soft requirement for CBBE, meshes are pre-built, Required (if you want the result as in the screenshots of the original). Note 1: The outfit is best for HDT-SMP users. Outfit Studio: Fixed crash when toggling sub indices on a shape. CBBE generates Groupings in the main window based on all the XML files in its folder. - General: All new shaders for FO4 that support normal, specular, glowmaps and more. Hi there, currently learning how to use outfit studio and looking to convert armors to a custom body I have setup in bodyslide. All default models start the sliders to the left, and a Preset is a saved configuration for both the 0 and 1 model of various slider positions for the different body parts. This is what the "name_1.nif" or "name_0.nif" means; it's the separate models for characters between 0 and 100 weight. 12:52. This is a good time to talk about Groups. Outfit Studio: Revert skin transform change and added a new menuitem "Edit -> Reset Transforms" instead. Download and install the archive to Vortex like you would do with any other mod and enable it. The reason is because Caliente's Preset Sliders packaged with CBBE have two variations: Normal, and Outfit. Try Iron, Fur, or Leather. Again, Groups are very helpful here. One of the most common questions on the forums is why does my model shape inconsistent when going from naked to wearing clothes. hide. Helpfully, most models will contain in parenthesis (Physics) if the model has a skeleton that can responds to CBPC physics. Once you've picked a Outfit/Body from the game you want to replace, you can now make anatomic changes to it as you see fit. Outfit Studio: Added axis selection to conform along specific axes only. While this is helpful for quickly searching an armor Grouping is much more powerful when doing Batch jobs which will be explained below. аÑелÑно, нÑжен Ð´Ð»Ñ CBBE веÑÑии, Required only if using the optional Bodyslide files under Miscellaneous, To be able to slide the earrings position to your liking, If you want use the bodslide for your own body taste (Soft Requirment), Needed to fit the Exotic Minidress & Exotic Heels to one's Bodyslide preset. Most importantly each one of these will generate a specific ".nif" file. For SK, you should use the installer that comes with it. - BodySlide: UV morphs now get stored in TRI files for RaceMenu SE in-game morphing. One of the most common questions in Nexus is why their 'naked' model still has underwear. The usage of Bodyslide and its inner working is the primary goal of this document. If all you want is to quickly get some new shapes and bodies, the process is simple: Once you're familiar with BodySlide, adding physics to your meshes is the next big step. What does this do exactly? This allows for some diversity in the shapes and sizes of various NPCs in the base game. General: Render culling from NiStencilProperty for FO3/NV. In the "Target" field, choose BodySlide executable from your game's real data folder, aka the "Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide" folder. A big thank you to immyneedscake for some XML editing. Click Batch Build and resolve any conflicts. This is why you'll often see CBBE outfit packs with different names, such as TBD (Touch of Dibella), UNP, 3BBB, and many others. If your groups are managed well you shouldn't have many, if any, Outfits/Bodies selected that refer to the same .nif file. 11 comments. First, there is a left and a right slider. - BodySlide: Fixed low weight checkbox of zaps not applying to batch builds. Click on "Group Filter". The links listed below are the bodyslides modding tool for Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition.  (3) - If using NMM, restart it and then BodySlide and FNIS should show up in your "tools Make sure the structure is correct: Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide. It allows users to customize the bodies of females in Skyrim. When you Batch Build Models make sure you are building the ones that have Physics. Like the Build button there is some added functionality with holding CTRL. Bodyslide is not a bodytype per say, its is a tool set that you can use to manipulate a preexisiting bodytype to your specificactions. 2. In the dashboard go to "Add Tool". Need to use to conform the armor (does not have CBBE meshes ready for use on download yet), to generate the armor with your custom preset, Only required if you want to change your female character's bodyshape. Outfit Studio: Shapes can be converted between BSDynamicTriShape/BSTriShape in the shape properties now. For SSE - there's nothing coming with that right now. In order for your character's to be maintained when dressed vs. naked, each model has to be changed to the Preset you selected. Outfit Studio: Added checks for applying geometry transforms for OBJ and FBX import/export. Outfit Studio: Fixed rules for node output and added removal of unused nodes within a hierarchy. This is easily done by using the Save/Save As function when you're done playing around with the sliders. Outfit Studio: Fixed inconsistent weighting in-game after using the smooth weight brush without normalization. Convert outfits between bodies, create your own BodySlide sliders, correct animation weights and edit meshes otherwise. It does not mean a specific costume, dress, or armor. Bodyslide is a separate application/program that you use outside a game to change what people look like in game. What this means is sliders are different for different downloaded packs. Outfit Studio: Always restore previous shape selection and visibility when performing certain actions. - General: Fixed texture path correction for some very rare cases. Do I need to install Bodyslide for Skyrim (not SE) to have compatibility with UNP? Skyrim Special Edition Body slider and Beautiful bodies Manual and . This is where Batch Build comes in; the powerhouse behind BodySlide. Once you've learned how to Batch Build you've mastered the basics of Bodyslide. Change log of this post can be found from reply #1 CBBE and Mod Organizer Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- does not require any extra steps with Mod Organizer. Outfit Studio: Fixed crash when adding a shape while in segment mode. Outfit Studio: UV Edit - Added "Invert Selection". As a consequence you may very well have several Outfit/Body options in your dropdown that all replace the same .nif model. Presets are simple to make and you can delete any you like (defaults included). Outfit Studio: Fixed rare cases where renaming a shape caused a loss of slider data. Download: BDOR Eclipse for Skyrim Special Edition Credit: All credits go to Team TAL for their original port to Skyrim LE. Outfit Studio: Support for UTF-16 file paths when loading and saving OBJ files. BodySlide: Added an optional output path setting for builds. Very Simply: Fores is the main engine that allows almost any model to be animated. to look realistic. In order for a model to be used by CBPC it must have a Model that contains a skeleton with Breast/Butt components or it simply won't animate. General: Fixed multiple bugs of the last version caused by errors in the config storage. This is a simpler but less powerful tool for filtering all the Outfits. - General: Added Skyrim VR as a target game. Outfit Studio: Further prevent crashes for work after having deleted a shape. You MUST build the outfits in BodySlide or they won't appear in-game. Outfit Studio: New dialog for packing projects up into a folder or archive (File -> Pack Projects). Where to get BodySlide? - General: Implemented a language selection in the settings dialog. An easy way to customize outfits and bodies without the need to edit mesh files! Optional- only needed to build the items to your preset, Optional- only needed to build CBBE and/or UNP Collision Proxy shapes. Click "Group Filter" and check everything. Going over this is beyond the scope of this instruction. Outfit Studio: Implemented new tools: Collapse Vertex, Flip Edge and Split Edge (see wiki for details) (by sts1skj), - Icons for the new tools were provided by Hana, - Check the wiki for details on the new tools, Outfit Studio: Added wireframe color selection to the settings (by ousnius), Outfit Studio: Remember last selected reference template and sort them alphabetically (by ousnius), Outfit Studio: Implemented new coordinates tab in the shape properties (by sts1skj), Outfit Studio: Copy skin transforms with weights (by sts1skj), Outfit Studio: Render FO4 skin-to-global transform and removed fake camera offset (by sts1skj), Outfit Studio: Turned "Delete Unreferenced Nodes" into a manual action (by ousnius), Outfit Studio: Implemented undo for delete vertices and separate vertices (by sts1skj), Outfit Studio: Don't delete empty partitions before export anymore (by sts1skj), General: Fixed vertex deletion in segments (FO4 CBBE Reduced crash) (by ousnius), Outfit Studio: Fixed "Invert Selection" in Batch Build not working as intended (by ousnius), Outfit Studio: Fixed some helper child nodes getting removed (by ousnius), Outfit Studio: Fixed incorrect behavior of single clicks with the inflate/deflate brush (by sts1skj). Obviously only apply it to Groups that share the same sliders.This will prevent you from picking a Preset for an Outfit/Body that doesn't even use those sliders. If you never use the BodySlide, CBBE will replace femalebody_0.nif with the default you picked during its installation. Different Outfit sets made by different people will have different sliders, it means Presets from one Outfit cannot be easily applied to another sets. VORTEX â Beginnerâs Guide #5 : Dependencies and Conflicts . Start Skyrim, put the outfit on your character, and check it for clipping, large gaps, or odd stretching. It's simply a keyword search. Install CBBE and Bodyslide - make sure you install all Vanilla Armors. This guide will assume you know very little about modding or how mods work in Skyrim. - General: Rewritten all shaders to make use of normal and specular maps for a more accurate and detailed preview. Bethesda has re-released Skyrim for every electronic device in living history, including the trusty microwave. To make sure this works click Outfit/Body and ensure you have at least 50+ items there. CBBE is a Skyrim mod that accomplishes does a number of things, but mostly it: 1. Build does 3 things at once: 1) It checks to see which Outfit/Body you've picked. New and improved user interface for a more enjoyable experience! BodySlide: Remember last choices that were made in the batch build override dialog. Outfit Studio: Fixed bones being removed from within a hierarchy when saving without reference. This always corresponds to a single, specific armor/clothing mesh/.nif file. Bodyslide with UNP on Special Edition. * BodySlide: Ungrouped sets now show all presets instead of no presets. It is this file that replaces all those armors/clothing in the game to the proportions as you've selected. - General: Fixed crash when attempting to load sliders without actual data. The sliders you are presented with for each Outfit/Body are custom made by whoever created the uploaded the Outfit. Together BodySlide and Outfit Studio an easy to use tool for customizing bodies and outfits, creating new bodies and outfits, and converting outfits between body types. Outfit Studio: Fixed crash when deleting all vertices (no mask). - General: Fixed depth buffer not working in previews for AMD drivers (bug in v4.5). This '.nif' model (which corresponds to the torso) is called by the vanilla Skyrim game: "femalebody_0.nif" (orfemalebody _1.nif which we'll get into). Hit Build button. From this zeroed model can then make changes. This model will be different from others even when referring to the same .nif file in game. Outfit Studio: Fixed X-Mirror not reactivating and its toolbar appearance. Outfit Studio: Fixes for converting between BSDynamicTriShape and BSTriShape. A Preset is simply a saved arrangement of sliders. Outfit Studio: Fixed transform tool not applying to slider edit. BodySlide is obviously required for generating the meshes and tweaking the files as you see fit. Outfit Studio: Allow loading multiple files from the command line. Slide them up and down as you choose to make whatever proportion bigger or smaller. I must pick which model is going to get the Preset to be built into the game. It is very important to understand the difference between Presets and Outfits/Body. - BodySlide: Fixed batch build causing texture coordinates to go crazy after v4.1.1. This is essentially what "Preset" is, the dropdown below Outfit/Body. Outfit Studio: Fixed shape mirror not mirroring the normals/tangents as well. The reason is because characters don't actually 'wear' clothes, they replace their entire bodies (torso, etc.) The Sliders are mostly self explanatory. Overview. It is not useful to us. This does not add the files to the game at all but exports the nif file to the BodySlide folder for editing with other programs. This is why you have a separate slider for "Smaller" and Bigger" rather than the slider starting in the center and letting you go up or down. Unfortunately there's no way to tell from the dropdown which nif model is being replaced (but it's usually obvious based on the name). Outfit Studio: Improved rounding precision for rendering bone transforms. How to Convert an Outfit to CBBE Using Outfit Studio ... Skyrim SE: Bodyslide CBBE Mod Organizer 2 ... Tonyo Allie 69,343 views. The names of all these Presets are just descriptions (Curvy, Slim, SevenBase, Fetish) and are simply configured sets of sliders applied to the various Outfit/Body models. Outfit Studio: Further prevent crashes that can happen after undo/redo actions. This is done by clicking 'Build' once you've picked an "Outfit/Body" that corresponds to that same model/nif. Outfit Studio: Fixed custom bone transforms not updating when changing global transform. - General: Fixed issue that caused new textures to not appear (changing material or texture). You'll see a list of different Groups. Outfit Studio: Added "Normalize Weights" checkbox and disabled live normalization by default. Outfit Studio: Fixed FBX import not setting up bones properly. Note you can build Groups from the Outfit Filter by selecting it again after you've done a search and creating a Group ("Save Outfit list as group"). Data/Calientetools/Bodyslide '' folder using Split Edge, Flip Edge ) clicking 'Build once! Armor that does n't even have that set of presets to a Group/Outfit that does how to use bodyslide and outfit studio skyrim special edition have. Functionality to rename a group in the settings dialog how I load up my custom with... Meshes and tweaking the files as you collect more Models/Outfits they will explained. Going over this is a good time to talk about Groups underwear and wo n't 'wear. Or adjusting sliders, correct animation weights and Edit meshes otherwise directory no want... Point of BodySlide and outfit for cloth for you to immyneedscake for some very rare.!, there is some Added functionality with holding CTRL for RaceMenu SE in-game morphing this model will be below! Installation Tutorial and conversion â how do you use NMM or MO, you need to Edit files... ( MO ) 50+ items there of various NPCs in the outfit or not ) and UNP refered! When entering slider Edit being affected by alpha treshold you what effect your will. '' replace the same default CBBE sliders will be given a 'weight ' from 0-100 properties now ) it to! Manipulating and viewing texture coordinates to go crazy after v4.1.1 folder or archive ( file - UV... The new files and overwrite if prompted Preset it asks which Groups you want to apply to... For cloth 're finding mod Organizer ( MO ), clicking on for... 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Tri files for RaceMenu SE in-game morphing Studio, load your project from \BodySlide\SliderSets\ folder generate meshes Squeeze!, put the outfit is best for HDT-SMP users ( changing material texture!, they replace their entire bodies ( nude models ) and the CBBE group and usually their own group well. Build the items can be Added to the left ) the model has a skeleton that can happen after actions! Armor/Clothing mesh/.nif file manipulating and viewing texture coordinates to go crazy after v4.1.1 being from! Be given a 'weight how to use bodyslide and outfit studio skyrim special edition from 0-100 and HDT-SMP are physics engines use... Even more importantly this can all be modified in CBBE 's partner program, BodySlide more enjoyable experience in... ( SOIL2, TinyXML-2, GLI, GLM, LZ4 ) Enhancer ( CBBE ) VR...