Add in 10-15 drops of a tick-repelling essential oil, such as cedar, geranium, or lavender, and shake the bottle. Alternatively, you can spray yourself with a regular insect repellant to keep ticks away. Tick repellent. The best way to remove a tick once it is attached to you, (or any of your furry friends,) is with special fine tipped tweezers and rubbing alcohol, both are available at pharmacies like CVS. CDC and EPA may recommend using DEET, the most common insect repellent, for your protection. Apply it directly on your skin to prevent tick bites. Ticks may be carried into the house on clothing. Example: "Repels Ticks That May Carry Lyme Disease" Protection Time or Active Ingredient Percentage (%) Not all products will list the number of hours that the repellent will prevent tick bites. Combine tea tree oil and water. Mix essential oils and cream and store in a cool, dry place. You can use catnip, lemon eucalyptus, or geranium essential oil as part of your DIY tick repellent recipes. wikiHow's. Then, spray the mixture over your exposed skin and clothes whenever you go outside. Get better tick prevention by adding peppermint oil into the mixture as it gives off a strong scent that most insects hate. All it takes to repel ticks, however, is a few drops on each ankle, on your wrists, a dab behind the knees, and one on the back of the neck, and you are set. Remove the leaves with a strainer and then add at least one tablespoon of vinegar. To make a safe tick repellent for dogs, combine: About 20 drops of Rose Geranium essential oil; two tablespoons carrier oil, such as almond oil (You can use vegetable oil, but almond oil contains sulfur, which is also a natural tick repellent.) Spritz this natural tick repellent on your pet’s body and your skin and clothing. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Affiliate Disclaimer: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, How to Get Rid of Ticks and Keep Them Away, Apple Cider Vinegar as a Natural Tick Repellent for Dogs, Keeping Ticks Away with an Essential Oil Mixture (for Clothes), Repel Ticks with Distilled Vinegar & Almond Oil (for Dogs), Keep Ticks Off with Dried Rosemary (for Dogs, Clothes, and Humans), No More Ticks with Garlic (for Pets and Humans), Keep Ticks Away with Tea Tree Oil (for Dogs and Other Pets), Natural Tick Repellent for People with Health Problems, Privacy Policy – GDPR – Medical Disclaimer – DMCA, 20-30 drops of essential oil (like lemon or tea tree), 1 cup of apple cider vinegar/white vinegar, Lavender/lemongrass/rose geranium/eucalyptus/cedar oil. DNA damage, brain diseases, and environmental contaminants are some of the reasons why this is concerning (..). In addition to using a repellant spray, make sure you wear long pants, long sleeves, and closed-toe shoes whenever you're walking in the woods or through tall grass. Ticks can migrate near your home and yard, but these tips can keep them away and help prevent a bite. Remove ticks. To repel ticks away from your home, remove thick shrubs and small trees, piles of leaves and tall grasses. I have an entire book on repellants in the office — it has one sentence on sulphur.” Merchant said sulphur works to repel ticks if placed on a person’s clothing or directly on the skin. Be sure not to spray in the eyes of your pet. Pour a liberal amount of this homemade repellent to your pet’s shampoo. T. Edward Nickens explains how to beat the bugs. Let’s learn about them. Apple cider vinegar does not instantly kill the insects, but it helps to remove them. In order to effectively repel ticks, you should use a repellent that’s recommended by organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and … Boil the water and add rosemary. Sometimes, what you eat every day can also be the best natural tick killer that works. Luckily, there are many actions you can take to keep ticks away from you and your yard. Soak the garlic in the oil overnight. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. % of people told us that this article helped them. Many essential oils need to be diluted but this one does not, as long as it is used in small doses. Lawn mower. It’s not an option for everyone, but consider investing in a few chickens. So when I did this, it worked! For drinking water, add a teaspoon of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to your dog’s drinking water to prevent future tick bites. Tick-borne diseases are one of the biggest health risks to outdoorsmen. Pour 1 cup (236.5 mL) of vinegar into a spray bottle. Not only smell great, but they are also known to be natural tick … After you check your clothing for ticks, throw them in the dryer on high heat for at least 10 minutes (or a bit longer if your clothes are damp), suggests the CDC. Uses for witch hazel include healing mosquito bites, as well as dealing with ticks. Trash bags. Ticks hate the taste and smell of vinegar and almond oil contains sulfur which is excellent for preventing tick-borne diseases. Add ingredients to the bottle and shake well. Start by thoroughly disinfecting the bite site with the rubbing alcohol. 7 Best Plants That Repel Ticks Naturally - Hairston Creek Farm For direct use, pour distilled vinegar into cotton balls and rub it down on your dog’s ticks and then pull the ticks with tweezers. A large number of the tick repellents that are considered to be natural are derived from plants or fungi. First, it is important to note that tick repellents are considered to be pesticides, natural or otherwise. Shake well. This is only one of the many uses for peppermint oil. Dress accordingly 4. This solution is used on your clothes instead. Mix these ingredients together and place a few drops on the dog or dog's collar. Make an essential oil repellant spray. The usefulness of vinegar is endless. Follow these simple ideas to rid your home and yard of ticks and keep you and your pets safe. Stop to check for ticks. Garden shears. Approved. A repellent with a higher percentage of active ingredient will work longer to keep ticks from biting you. The tea tree and its oil have antibiotic and antiseptic elements. "What plants to have in your yard to repel ticks.". Most insect repellent is applied to the skin. Keep ticks away from your property by landscaping well and by growing tick-repelling plants. Use garlic oil instead of raw garlic to make this process a little easier. You can use it as a spray, add to their drinking water, or put it directly on your dog’s ticks. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 37,664 times. Take extra caution during early summer and spring 6. I cannot tell you how excited I am to discover this ridiculously easy, natural tick repellent that really works! There are 17 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Step 1: Get Some Neem Oil The neem oil is the active ingredient in this treatment. Unfortunately, if you have pets, they will likely encounter ticks at some point. Ticks are small parasites commonly found on pets or people who have spent time in wooded areas. Aside from providing excellent health benefits, garlic also offers tick control as it excretes scents that ticks don’t like. We still spray another coat on our pants and shoes, and the dog’s back just before … To repel or kill ticks using vinegar, you’ll need to make a vinegar solution by adding some water. Receive the latest Home & Garden Tips by entering your email below: We respect your privacy and take protecting it very seriously. It is useful in fighting fleas and ticks while helping the EPA in protecting the environment, as well as the CDC for disease control (..). Not only are they dangerous for animals, but they also carry diseases that humans can get, as well, like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease. Vinegar can be used to kill ticks on your dog. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. So you’re protected even after washing the treated clothing. Apple cider vinegar can also be mixed with water to make a tick repellant spray. Picaridin. Equal parts of water and vinegar are mixed and emptied into a spray bottle. Ticks can ride into the home on clothing and pets, then attach to a person later, so carefully... Shower soon after being outdoors. Certain Aromatherapy Essential Oils. The cool thing is that you can wash your clothes several times and the product will still repel ticks as it’s still on the clothing. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Say goodbye to dog ticks with this natural tick repellent. Witch hazel is a fragrant shrub that can also be used as a tick repellent. Stir gently, cover with a lid, and let it steep overnight. Once the threat of insect/tick bite is over, the repellent should be washed off. Prevention is key to ensuring that you and your pets are not bitten by these blood-sucking insects. My property was tick free. Last Updated: July 8, 2019 To keep ticks away, make a repellant spray by mixing 1 cup of vinegar with 10-15 drops of cedar, geranium, or lavender essential oil. This is sprayed frequently onto pet bodies until these ticks leave or get killed. Add tap water to a spray bottle with dish detergent and the garlic and mineral mixture.