My experience trying to order the Dexcom CGM, however, was painful. We are looking to get my 6 year old daughter a CGM to help us trend her blood sugar better and tweak her pump settings. • Pump therapy, CGM, and pump-CGM therapy facilitate the treatment of type 1 diabetes and can improve glycemic control and reduce hypoglycemia. How does the t:slim X2 insulin pump work with Dexcom G6 CGM? As such, I cannot really compare the two. The alarm sound is one that you get used to, and I find that I often do not hear it and it annoys others. I would love an updated comparison now that Dex Has partnered with another company and has an integrated pump. The display on the Medtronic 530G is relatively small, monochromatic (black and white), and low-contrast. Also we ahve a tech night oevent on facebook tonight 12/6 @ 730 eastern and will eb going over new diabetes technology! Medtronic’s latest CGM features their new-generation Enlite sensor, which has undergone a series of manufacturing improvements in order to provide better adhesive, less trauma upon insertion, and better/more consistent enzyme chemistry. I spent the last two years using a Dexcom CGM (G4) and really liked it. However, many people who use an insulin pump prefer to have a receiver/display that can be carried separately for ease of access and detection of alarms. It has been done for years if u stop paying for it the price will come down. I can’t afford to change to Dexcom, although I would like to try their system, so I will return to Libre. The pump reads data from the sensor, but the working distance between them is only about 4 feet before the signal is lost. "I think those two are going to be a duopoly here over the next five years." Thank you so much this is an excellent report, I really appreciate all of the hard work. Dexcom also took a major step backwards with its Clarity app/software (necessary for generating reports from the G5 system). Dexcom pioneered this feature with its SHARE component (available on the G5 and later-model G4 systems). The first two calibrations of the Medtronic CGM should be done 2 hours apart, but you can shorten it to 15-20 minutes apart and the sensor will stabilize. The G4 was great and never had issues. My final A1C with that system and using a Minimed 630 pump manually (they don’t link) was a 6.5. Dexcom’s poor performance and customer service has gotten the best of me. It uses the Enlite sensor. The Dexcom becomes less sensitive with more calibrations, unless you follow specific recalibration requirements. Medtronic sensor and transmitter combo lays flatter on the body and thus is easier to wear than the Dexcom combo. Medtronic hopes to launch at least 10 products over the next two years: new CGM and apps, 670G pump with Bluetooth, AI, and more! Dexcom G6 CGM System Support Categories. Russian and Ukrainian culture expert and political muser. In many cases, insurers make the process of receiving coverage onerous and needlessly complex. Also, both Dexcom and Abbott CGMs are FDA certified to provide BG reads that can be used for insulin dosing. Combining an insulin pump with CGM allows your pump to adjust your insulin based on your CGM readings. Here is the most important piece. First, CGMs are not devices intended for taking actions/treatments from the glucose values/readins — only blood glucose values readings are take as an accurrate value/reading. They are not yet FDA approved in the US,(we have to have a friend in England order them and ship them over), but in trials right now. Medtronic’s cell phone app display does offer excellent size and contrast but requires one to carry a “connect” fob in order to send the data from the transmitter to the phone app. I had a Medtronic pump for close to 20 years and their cgms from 2008-2014. Unlike earlier versions of both systems, accuracy on “day 1” was not all that bad (19.0% MARD for Medtronic and 14.8% for Dexcom). Wrong. I have talked with most of the tech support staff and each one gives me different “trick” to try and fool the sensor into working. You can change the alarm to vibrate, but then it vibrates every time you press a button as well as when it alarms. He also talks about what goes on in the pump to calibrate that sensor. My Medtronic has done this to me several times at work and in my sleep. Ive been on medtronic pump for about 20 years i think and im not very tech savvy so it serms like the simplest system for me. Medtronic sensors appear to fall off a cliff accuracy-wise when used beyond six days. Again, shame on me for allowing them to talk me into the G5. Extra adhesive was applied over the sensors at the first sign of loosening. Feeling mightily fed up! This represents the difference between fingerstick meter values and sensor glucose values, so a lower MARD is better. Alarms on the Dexcom are strong and simple. The first two calibrations of the Medtronic CGM should be done 2 hours apart, but you can shorten it to 15-20 minutes apart and the sensor will stabilize. Accuracy was horrible with Medtronic and Dexcom was always right on. Other than that, I followed all of the rules and regs that each company provides in its Instructions for Use. I get comments from people thinking I am wearing a pager, as it is not very stylish nor discrete clipped to my belt. The guy who called simply filled out the web form information and said he would pass it on to “sales.” When I finally heard from sales, they passed me on to a distributor who will have to call me “sometime next week, probably.” I have never had this problem with Medtronic. My last correction is on the “Data Sharing”. I am married to an Eastern Ukrainian and have relatives and friends on all sides of the Russian/Ukrainian debates. Dexcom continues to provide a more accurate, user-friendly system, but Medtronic is a step ahead when it comes to data analysis/reporting and integration with automated insulin delivery. But the gap is narrowing. ** All the stuff needed to use/change/charge the Medtronic sensor w/cell-phone app (left) and Dexcom (right). There are very few steps, and the steps are all very logical. It is taking them forever to send supplies that are authorized by my insurance. there’s something to be said for a system that doesn’t leave a lot to chance. As someone who can not use NSAIDs I am very much looking forward tot his, and many other upgrades the G6 sensor will provide. But Abbott and Dexcom are "clearly the two lead horses," Blicker said. Any and every time one computer is giving another computer instructions accuracy is important. The Dexcom mobile app has the added benefit of allowing the user to choose from nearly two dozen audible patterns for each type of alert – making it nice to hear somthing other than a “BEEP” for an alert. Keeping with common practice, I wore each sensor for as long as it was functioning and performing reasonably well. They first signed on Insulet a… The pump that receives a signal from the Enlite sensor has the ability to react in an automatic fashion. The Dexcom G5 was approved in early 2017 to be accurate enough to replace finger sticks for dosing calculations after day 1 of use. The average price target of $125.90 reflects an upside potential of 10.7% in the months ahead.Dexcom (DXCM)Dexcom produces continuous glucose monitoring (or CGM… The are incompetent. Great review. I was stressing about whether I needed to switch to Medtronic bc I mistakenly thought that Dexcom was alone in its contraindication with Tylenol. While Basal-IQ technology predicts and helps prevent lows, Control-IQ technology is designed to help increase time in range by predicting and helping prevent both highs and lows. I also found it was more uncomfortable to wear than the Enlite. While Dexcom maintained its accuracy from week one to week two, Medtronic’s accuracy took a major dive when the sensor was used beyond its “approved” six days. The Dexcom allows 2 consecutive calibration readings, and then you do not calibrate for 12 hours. An award-winning Certified Diabetes Educator, Masters-level Exercise Physiologist and person with type-1 diabetes since 1985, Gary Scheiner has dedicated his professional life to improving the lives of people with insulin-dependent diabetes. Learn how your comment data is processed. The g5 is terrible and keeps disconnecting for no reason and is very inaccurate. This point you missed; CGM training from the manufacturer. Not sure about Dexcom. The sensors were stored properly and placed in appropriate/adjacent sites. The pump will be completely unaware of your CGM, and be unable to do any of the auto mode things the 670g does with Guardian sensors. Support wise, Medtronic has Dexcom beat hands down. When reviewing this information, keep in mind that sensor accuracy is best measured in relation to LAB values, not blood glucose meter values. My daughter has finally decided to give the CGM a try and the Dexcom was recommended. Case-in-point: I do a lot of traveling, so I decided to count up how many items I had to take with me to maintain my Dexcom G5 compared to the Medtronic Enlite (both using the respective mobile apps). They do not pair with a pump, but they are good for 14 days and require no fingerstick calibration. They do not represent the findings from a multi-subject, randomized, controlled study. An insulin pump that is CGM capable means that you can see and track your glucose levels. Any new information on either Dexcom or Medtronic – 2018 information out there? I have one, so I do not really need to switch from the 530G, but the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor would be nice. Medtronic’s Carelink software is web-based, works on virtually all operating systems, is easy to share with healthcare providers, integrates sensor data with pump and meter data, and generates reports that do a super job of revealing post-meal patterns. Both systems offer High & Low alerts as well as rate of change alerts, albeit Medtronic’s rate of change alerts are much more customizable. Ive heard that medtronic CGM is now covered by medicare. 4. Connie, As a Medtronic pump user for over 9 years and CGM user for 5 years, I’d take the customizable alert alarms and. I’ve been wearing the new Dexcom G4 Platinum continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for almost two months now. Of course, the day I ordered the Tandem, Medtronic called to try to convince me to stay. MiniMed™ 670G system includes our newest and most advanced CGM, the Guardian™ Sensor 3 and the Guardian™ Link 3 transmitter. My pump warranty expired in December 2016, but I’m still on the fence about the 670G. There were some interesting accuracy patterns related to day of Sensor use. You should check them out! The only available pump with Dexcom G6 ® CGM integration, the t:slim X2 insulin pump can be ordered with one of two different technologies to help manage type 1 diabetes. I agree Connie and John – I also use Medtronics CGM and it has helped me catch lows and suspend the pump before lows. Gary is certified to train on all models of insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors and hybrid closed loop systems, and has personally used every system that is currently on the market. The sites were prepared appropriately and rotated consistently. I am ready to update or change my CMG system. • Simpler and less costly CGM systems may broaden the utility of CGM to those with type 2 diabetes. My pump is due for replacement so id like medtronic information but nobody calls me back. Here, I am only reviewing the 530G with Enlite sensor and Dexcom G4 Platinum for continuous glucose monitoring. In 1947 I did not even have a glucometer to test my sugar. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Dexcom has no such feature. As is the Libre by Abbott, and closed loop suystems depends on this accuracy to make constant dosing adjustments. The charts are clear, they give you an estimated A1C after 14 days worth of data, and give you clear trends. The alarms are annoying at night, waking you and your partner. Looking at rates of accuracy, Medtronic’s sensor was closer to the fingerstick calibration 43% of the time; Dexcom was closer 57% of the time. I will not get into technical differences, just observations. The 640G’s “Smartguard” feature temporarily suspends basal delivery when hypoglycemia is approaching. The sensor is quite large compared to the Enlite. Not needing the pump features at this time, I like the smaller size of the Dexcom receiver. I saw no real difference in accuracy between readings with the Medtronic CGM and the Dexcom after they stabilized. I have had a Medtronic pump for 25 years, but have been counting down the days until my 670G went out of warranty to I could switch to the T-slim/Tandem with Dexcom. Although you only have to do 1 test every 12 hours, it does not hurt to calibrate more often. The systems have improved in terms of accuracy, features and ease of use, but the main players remain the same (Medtronic and Dexcom). After using the Medtronic CGM for 2 weeks I can understand why it cannot be used to determine how much insulin to dose. When I go back to insulin delivery with the pump, I will lean towards the Medtronic. Medtronic’s radio transmitter contains a memory chip that stores up to 40 minutes of data and submits i to the receiver in case the receiver was out of transmission range. The main purpose for CGMs is to track real time data – to be alerted of potential problems ( for me lows). You can call Medtronic and talk to a person who can answer questions, you can order a device, and the process of getting a replacement device takes very little effort. The main reason i went to a pump and CGM was for controlling night time lows and while it’s not 100% perfect i find it very easy and simple to use. so i got approved by my insurance for a medtronic pump i get it on monday!! I use the Minimed Connect option (a separate key chain device) to send data from the pump to my iPhone. Thanks very much for such a practical evaluation. However, I can say that most of what I experienced reflects what I have seen among countless clients/patients who have worn the various CGM systems. Dexcom continues to be very simple to use. Now mine. So please remove all comparison statements regarding accuracy! Wish I had the G4 device to this day. As well, its important to note all the sensor issues they’ve had during 2016. Do I understand that there are times that even if you are in a meeting at work, at church, or whatever, the pump/cgm … But, given that not many of us have a fully equipped lab to tote around all day, the best we can do is evaluate the systems based on how they compared to our handy-dandy meters. Too bad, because I like the integration with the 670G pump. But, more importantly, the 530G’s “threshold suspend” feature automatically stops the pump’s basal insulin delivery when the glucose falls below a specified threshold (set by the user). so i know they do but i seen alot of Bad reviews on the medtronic CGM's!! MiniMed™ 670G Insulin Pump and CGM system. I was skeptical about spending the extra money (which we didn’t really have) to have another device attached to me… 11.5 months later, i’m now using the Dexcom G6 and this is my personal review.. What Is a G6? And, despite what other consumers report, I have not had any luck getting my malfunctioning sensors replaced. CGM Display: Nothing is changing with the hardware, and Tandem says the pump interface looks very much like the first-gen combo device of the t:slim and Dexcom G4. The customer service at Dexcom was great at first, but declined greatly after I had come to rely on the sensors. Both systems can beep and/or vibrate to alert the user of a potential problem and both have adjustable settings, but the vibrate mechanism on Dexcom’s receiver is considerably stronger, and it can beep much louder (when desired). Not certified so you still always need to repurchase hardware for something that is CGM means... They continue to give more learning tips match: 1 % 1 % 1.. And has an integrated pump, insurers make the process of receiving coverage onerous and needlessly.. If you lay on the market improve glycemic control and reduce hypoglycemia vibrate strong. As a compatible data extraction tool, it should be ready any time now lazy to check,! 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