You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Selphie and Rinoa in Curse status in Final Fantasy VIII. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Refining Cursed Spikes into Rosetta Stone help". Who's more foolish? Chapter 5: Galbadia 8. siren has to be level 100 for the rosetta stones right? Laguna Dream 1: Deling 5. Curse Spikes are incredibly useful items. ----- Gunblades have a 255% hit rate. The Curse of Civil War Gold is a non-fiction series about American Civil War history on History Channel. Battle and junction effects and refinement/drawing information for the Curse Spike item in Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) Curse (のろい, Noroi? So I have that ability, and I have 100 Curse Spikes, I locate it in the menu and it is greyed out as if suggesting I cannot get my Dark Matter. Marty Lagina – A millionaire vineyard owner ... Back at the beach, a local Elks Lodge member shows the team some railroad spikes that he found in the area, and a photo showing an old locomotive in the water. Chapter 6: Tomb of The Unknown King 9. Chapter 4: Timber 6. Squall's gunblades unlock new finishers to his RenzokukenLimit Break, and thus it is good to prioritize his upgrades out of the party. Click … Either way, before you complete Deep Sea Research Center and get Eden it's recommended you get at least 1 Dark Matter and another 100 Curse Spikes (so 200 Curse Spikes in total). Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon fan and Moonlight Densetsu loven fanatic!!! » Final Fantasy VIII ... i need 100 curse spikes- wheres the best spot to get them? Which magic junctions best to which stat? Final Fantasy VIII walkthrough - Part 54: Obel Lake quest (2/2) and 100 Curse spikes - Duration: 53:56. - Vilurum Xaren, leader of the happy turtles, and knowitall. Battle and junction effects and refinement/drawing information for the Dark Matter item in Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) Final Fantasy. Chapter 1: Balamb Garden 2. The monsters i am aware of that you can get sharp spikes from are: Armadodo Grand Mantis Death Claw Those three can all be found in areas on the world map Island Closest to Hell is the second island with mostly different enemies than the ones you'll find here. 2 3 32. It has various consequences, typically involving lowering stats or preventing characters from performing a Limit Break. Difficult to handle and requiring a lot of skill. Island Closest to Heaven - FF8 Guide This island is one of the two end game locations in level Final Fantasy 8 where you're guaranteed to fight level 100 monsters regardless of your level. Please! -Vil. Don't quite understand Zell side quest ... What would you like to see in a proper remake? The Research Center is a mostly sunken dilapidated building now covered in foliage. You can't win/mug them from anything. If you’re stuck with just Final Fantasy VIII, however, you’ll need to harvest 100x Curse Spikes, which can be obtained from a variety of sources including as drops from Creeps, Forbidden, Grand Mantis, Imp, Malboro and Tri-Face enemies, by mugging Tri-Face enemies, or by refining Tri-Face cards via Card Mod. Chapter 2: Dollet Exam 3. Final Fantasy VIII walkthrough - Part 54: Obel Lake quest(2/2) and 100 Curse spikes From where i complete the Obel Lake sidequest gaining a Three Stars as a reward. Aight i guess ill just get 100 curse spikes for dark matter and then draw ultimas from ultima weapon. View all the Trophies here It is an important enemy to fight for Curse Spike farming. However, once you want a perfect game (the stat-maxing part), it becomes pretty much the only thing that you're interested in, mainly because maxing luck is a pain. You can acquire Curse Spikes by using Card Mod on Tri-Face cards, or you can Mug them from Tri-Face enemies - each Mug from a high-level Tri-Face should get you 6-8 Curse Spikes, making it by far the fastest method sans Odin. Chapter 7: Deling City 10. is that the only way to get dark matters? The Pupu side quest grants you an Aegis Armlet. "To be fair, [what he was saying] was actually on-topic. The Research Center is located far from any land mass out in the vastness of the sea in the south-western corner of the map. I find the easiest source of curse spikes are the Forbidden enemy, which can be found on the mountain range, directly north of Esthar. (Tool-RF) 100 Curse Spike: 1 … It has a large helipad visible on the top, and a small, wooden bridge leading to the Research Center inside where a few of the rooms ar… However, once you want a perfect game (the stat-maxing part), it becomes pretty much the only thing that you're interested in, mainly because maxing luck is a pain. Laguna Dream 3: Winhill 11. Thanks in advance. These weapons belong to Squall and Seifer. Best place to farm curse spikes (after getting Eden) is Island Closest to heaven. Chapter 3: Training Center 4. It is otherwise available at the late part of the game. Battle and junction effects and refinement/drawing information for the LuvLuv G item in Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) Mug Tri-faces and DO NOT MUG Marlboros. They can be used in many ways, including: - Used to teach Quistis the Blue Magic ability LV?Death - Used in the creation of Selphie’s Ultimate Weapon, Strange Vision - They can be refined into Ultima magic, the most powerful magic in the game - 100 Curse Spikes can be refined into 1 Dark Matter Junction Death to St-Atk and fight a Tri-Face, mug it, if successful, have your Death-junctioned character attack and bam... Not to mention there aren't any 100% chance encounters for forbidden. Farming some of the other Fixed Encounters is beneficial too since they have other valuable items. Alright. The Deep Sea Research Facility (FF8) FF VIII. A. Register yourself as a member of Eyes on Final Fantasy in order to post, have less ads, be able to read more thread replies per page, and much much more. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Games played: Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 5, Dissidia: Final Fantasy. They net you more Luck-J Scrolls(using GFAbl-Med-Ref) as well which in turn can be modified into extra Luck Ups(Forbid-Med-Ref) they are also good for getting Pain magic. … Which magic junctions best to which stat? The corner of the map is a recurring location for secret locations in the Final Fantasygames. Also, you can get them from mugging Triface monsters. It is found in places that will become unrevisitable, such as Balamb Garden 's MD Level and Galbadia Garden. There is a Obi Lake sidequest which grants you a Lucky J scroll. If you want to farm them for curse spikes you should be mugging them. The fool or the fool who follows him? This is the recommended option as there isn't too much card grinding necessary to obtain 2 Tri-Face cards. Mike Bettencourt 6,756 views In its artwork it is referred to as "Ground Lobster", although the accompanying Japanese itself would translate to "Grand Lobster" (グランドロブスター, Gurando Robustā? They appear nearly all the time, and can be killed off quickly with Alexanders Revive ability. Their most common drops are always poison powders. (NOTE: I wouldn't bother with the Curse Spikes unless you're really unlucky. Posted by 1 year ago. And actually, you refine the Curse Spikes into a Dark Matter, which you refine into a Shaman Stone before finally refining into a Rosetta Stone. Archived. You'll get these through Chocobo World in "A Rank" treasures from Cactuar.) You can also Card Mod Tri-Face cards into them (1 card for each Curse Spike), & you … -Draw 300 Meteor and 300 Flare from a lvl 45+ Ruby Dragon if you don't have a good stock of that magic. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. How important exactly is keeping low levels. Yep. Special section: COVID-19 data It is also tracking daily new deaths of COVID-19 patients in Michigan. I like to get my cursed spikes by refining Triface cards. Don't quite understand Zell side quest ... What would you like to see in a proper remake? 1. Battle and junction effects and refinement/drawing information for the Tri-Face monster in Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) Final Fantasy. -Get 100 curse spikes --> 1 dark matter for Quistis' Limit-Get 100 curse spikes --> 1 dark matter --> 1 shaman stone --> 1 rosetta stone if you missed the freebie rosetta stone from Cheryl's shop. Pressing the trigger button on-hit boosts damage for both Squall and Seifer; gunblades do not naturally deal critical hits. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is a giant insect enemy fought on the Centra continent. Battle and junction effects and refinement/drawing information for the Rosetta Stone item in Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) Chapter 8: D-District Prison 12. Final Fantasy VIII; Curse Spikes; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Dark Matter also teaches Quistis her Shockwave Pulsar blue magic. There are multiple ways to obtain Curse Spikes on the first disc of Final Fantasy VIII: Card Mod 2 Tri-Face cards to get 2 Curse Spikes. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered has 35 Trophies. ). Final Fantasy 8 Remastered may be a game of magic, love, and battles that transcend time itself, but it’s also home to one of the most addictive mini-games of all time: Triple Triad. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I like the Rosetta stone one especially seeing as I don't want to get Eden to mod Curse Spikes into one. Laguna Dream 2: Centra 7. Even if he got to the subject as an end result of a jaunt into complete irrelevancy". This chart is tracking daily new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Michigan. ), sometimes abbreviated to Curs, is a recurring status effect. I think you can face Malboros in Grandidi Forest (the forests around the Chocobo Sanctuary), and you can sometimes win Curse Spikes from them, though they're pretty dangerous. Close. ICtH farming for Malboros and Tri-faces might be quicker than forbidden actually... Nah, have ST-Atk Zombie on the muggers (plural: Diabolos and Bahamut), and give the third character Revive. How important exactly is keeping low levels. Dark Matter - Refined from 100 Curse Spikes with level 100 Siren's Tool-RF, or from Chocobo World. Just a heads up if you're starting a new playthrough and you want to try the RNG methods, spread Open to Galbadia using Watts during the Timber mission. Grand Mantis is an enemy in Final Fantasy VIII. Once you successfully mug, it's almost certain to be zombified (if not, just attack another time or two until it is), so Revive will kill it off. They appear nearly all the time, and can be killed off quickly with Alexanders Revive ability.