It can make a lot of great plays even while dodging out of the way of something destructive. The good hands can go into Needlefiber + F.A Dawn Dragster. Halqifibrax is a Link-2 WATER Machine with 1500 ATK and arrows pointing Bottom Left and Bottom Right. Literally not in the entire history of this card game, and I'm not being hyperbolic. In a clutch situation you can make your LP 4000 with Life Stream Dragon and have a big monster without needing to go through Power Tool Dragon, T.G. This card's first effect can be use to Summon ". It’s Type/Attribute combo isn’t anything to be critical of. You can only use each effect of "Crystron Halqifibrax" once per turn. Who also happens to be a Machine. Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution Receive an Update? This card's effect must be chained to it, Special Summoning "Quandax" to the Extra Monster Zone and thus interrupting the effect of "Citree" from resolving. Subscribe Please enter a valid email address. Review, Performage Hat Tricker – Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga; Crystron Halqifibrax (TCG - English—Worldwide) DUOV-EN001 (1st Edition) Duel Overload. Use this with your normal summoning of a non-Tuner monster to make Crystron Quariongandrax.    There is more, though. Cristron Halqifibrax +. Tournament Report: June 6th Xbox One. This card is the first Link Monster to list a Tuner as Link Material. I like it for Synchros, but I do understand the pure power of this. 2+ Effect Monsters Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this card’s effect activations. It already got some Tuners banned and we could see more Tuners taking the axe for it before it does. Outside Crystrons, you got so many insane combos that it isn’t even funny. Crystron Halqifibrax (4, 1, 2.5) Celestial Knightlord Parshath (None in 2 cases) Alien Shocktrooper M-Frame (3, 6, 4.5) D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh (7, 6, 6.5) Raidraptor – Wise Strix (4, 4, 4) Condemned Darklord (0, 2, 1) Five-Headed Link Dragon (1, 2, 1.5) Protector Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman (6, 4, 5) Union Carrier (2, 1, 1.5)    This card can do too much, as many readers probably already know. During the opponent's Main Phase, this card's effect must be used to Special Summon "Formula Synchron", which in turn must use its effect to Synchro Summon "Quasar"/"Blazar"/"Sifr". It can fit in any deck that can run Monsters. The attack is not a big deal. The combos are insane from this card considering the summoned Tuner can use graveyard effects still. I doubt it will stick around for too long without getting forbidden. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.) This card is based on the mineral Calcite, with 'Needle-fiber' being a specific classification of it. Halqifibrax interrupts your opponents turn badly. Crystron Halqifibrax x1 Crossrose Dragon x1 Cross-Sheep x1 Guardragon Elpy x1 Linkross: x1 Side: Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion x3 PSY-Framegear Gamma x3 PSY-Frame Driver x1 Dark Ruler No More x3 Harpie's Feather Duster x1 Red Reboot x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Traptrix Allomerus x1 Leviair the Sea Dragon: x1 Id: #created by Ariel: x1 Insanely easy to summon in any deck that runs a “Ghost Girl” or any Tuner for that matter. This is only the first week of Eternity Code ‘s release and there … (For example, if the only other Link Monster on the field is your " Proxy Dragon " in the Extra Monster Zone, while " Crystron Halqifibrax " is in your Main Monster Zone, the effect of " Crystron Halqifibrax " cannot be activated.) Will Yu-Gi-Oh! I definitely recommend it if you are a community supporter. Throwback Thursday (2015), Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden – Yu-Gi-Oh! Be it combo decks using it as a powerful extender, or slower decks splashing it as an engine, Halqifibrax is a card you want to counter in today’s meta. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Crystron Halqifibrax. It reached the TCG this year and its impact was immediate, as expected. Yay. That is pretty straightforward. Review, Zoroa, the Magistus of Flame – Yu-Gi-Oh! The second effect is on the opponent’s Main or Battle Phase as a Quick Effect to banish itself to summon any Synchro Tuner from the Extra Deck and treat that as a Synchro Summon. No big loss there, but it would make the card a lot more overpowered if it didn’t include that. Crystron Halqifibrax Who? Please remember if you enjoyed this video to give us a thumbs up so we know that we are making the good stuff! The Crystron Link 2 took years to reach the TCG, but its impact met or surpassed everyone’s expectations. If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot activate its effects this turn. Summoning. The summoning requirements are any 2 monsters, as long as you include a Tuner. You could also use the Crystron Level 4 Synchro Tuner just to have a Level 4 option. During your opponent's Main Phase or Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can banish this card you control; Special Summon 1 Tuner Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. You can Special Summon a lot of targets that have no other business being in certain decks, and you can even accelerate other archetypes. The three year wait for the TCG is over as we now have Crystron Halqifibrax.    The first effect to Special Summon a Level 3 or lower Tuner from the deck in DEF position is not unheard of, and it stops the Tuner from using its effect for the turn. In a "Yang Zing" Deck, this card can be used to Special Summon “. Pays for itself with a deck thin/Special Summon if you have another Level 3 or lower Tuner, which you will if you are going into Halqifibrax. In Crystrons, this makes sense considering their effects are on the opponent’s turn really. Crystron Halqifibrax– #DUOV-EN001. Blame stuff like Crystron Halqifibrax, Union Carrier and the rest, but combo strings are getting longer and more ambitious. The Crystrons focus on swarming the field with monsters to Synchro Summon. This card has no drawback whatsoever.    Let’s dive in. I score this card a 5/5, but I don’t suggest investing too much into it. Add an image to this gallery. Konami Announces New Yu-Gi-Oh! Art: 4.5/5 I really like the Crystron aesthetic. The effect of "Crystron Quandax" must then be used to Synchro Summon "Quariongandrax", using "Citree" and "Smiger"/"Thystvern". Level 3 or lower Tuners that can be Special Summoned from the hand or Deck: This page was last edited on 22 April 2020, at 02:37. It's best trying to have Crystron Smiger in your graveyard to banish it and tuto Crystron Impact. "Crystron Halqifibrax" Gallery; Rulings; Errata; Artworks; Tips; Trivia; Appearances. The deck gets a lot better in March 2020 when Crystron Halqifibrax is finally released . Add an image to this gallery. Formula Synchron, Coral Dragon, T.G. Whats good Ladies and Gents, TeamCOG bringing you another video. Wonder Magician pops a card and then can be used to Synchro Summon on your opponents turn as well, Formula Synchro, same thing as Wonder Magician except draw a card instead, then get a card off the next Synchro Summon you do while using this card. Â. There are several others that are archetype specific which is great for those archetypes having another way to summon monsters from the Extra Deck that they need, but Halqifibrax is too strong. If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot activate its effects this turn. Tips; Appearances; Trivia; Lores; Artworks; Names. Cards of the Day! This card's effect must be used to Summon "Crystron Quandax", which in turn can use its effect to Synchro Summon "Crystron Phoenix". Pokemon Card Grading – Should You Get Yours Graded? Halqifibrax Crystron: 2 monstres (un Syntoniseur inclus) Si cette carte est Invoquée par … Also if … Crystron Entry revives a Cystron Tuner and Special Summons a Crystron Tuner from your hand. If you wish to contact me, you can email me at or to ask me anything or if you simply want to discuss Yu-Gi-Oh. Link summoned with 2 Monsters, including at least 1 Tuner.  This card has a vast array of combo potential, just as we saw yesterday. Versatility -5  The Quick Effect will banish this card and Synchro Summon a Tuner/Synchro Monster during the opponent’s MP or BP.    I do enjoy the art, though. That’s it, though.   😉.  A free Tuner obviously opens Synchro plays and you have some range as to what you play and can bring out with the fairly open Tuner window.    With so many hand traps being Tuners, you don’t even need to Synchro Summon in your deck to make use of this card. If it wasn’t treated as a Synchro Summon it wouldn’t be as great of a card as it is. RUSH DUEL Game In Development 2021. SIDE NOTE** This is a great card for teaching new players about combo plays and the Extra Deck due to its simple text and versatility. Manga; This is one of the cover cards of Duel Overload. This card must be Link Summoned with "Jiaotu" and the non-"Suanni" monster, then its effect can be used to Special Summon "Chiwen". Life Stream Dragon is even an option against burn. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.) Bottomless Trap Hole. Shooting Riser Dragon to dump a monster from Deck. It’s one of the best Link Monsters ever printed.  Two Monsters, including a Tuner, are required for Link Summon.Â, A Link Summon of this card nets you a Special Summon a Tuner that’s Level 3 or below from your Deck in defense position and negates its effects. When your opponent Summons a monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK: Destroy that monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK, and if you do, banish it. Wonder Magician" destroys a Spell/Trap Card, and the effect of "Desert Locusts" forces the current turn player to discard a card, possibly disrupting the opponent's strategy. Negating the Level 3 Tuner’s effect on the field isn’t enough. Â, Art:  4.5/5. Citree: Lil’ Golden Miku here is the strongest of the three; Level is solid, materials be revived via Impact, and LV2 opens by …  That’s one hell of a trade. If this card stopped there, I would say, “Good Job. Synchro and Link plays open wide up for you with this card even after some of the best Tuners being banned. Wonder Magician, Life Stream Dragon and Shooting Riser Dragon to name a few are the prime targets for this cards effect. This card works with a lot of archetypes. You can only use each effect of “Crystron Halqifibrax” once per turn. Crystron Halqifibrax. During your opponent’s Main Phase or Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can banish this card you control; Special Summon 1 Tuner Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. DUOV-FR001 (1st Edition) Duel Overload. If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot activate its effects this turn. The main strategy of the deck is going first and set up your graveyard with crystron effects while summoning Crystron Needlefiber. Bottomless Trap Hole. T.G. The effects of "Phoenix" and "Quariongandrax" both focus on banishing large numbers of cards the opponent controls or that they … It could use Crystron Halqifibrax as Link Material, and then provide 2 “Link Tokens” to be used as Synchro Material with the Tuner Monster Special Summoned by Crystron Halqifibrax. It’s an insanely powerful card. The card was Limited in the OCG years before the TCG got it for a reason, and we can’t be shocked if it ever gets banned. Also, the effect of "T.G. It even allows for rapid laddering if you want to just bypass the second effect altogether and skip into a Link 3 Monster (and get GY effects of the searched Tuner). The potential there is mind numbing. Glow-Up Bulb is banned, alongside Destrudo and Blackwing – Steam the Cloak, meaning your best options remaining are Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion or Jet Synchron for generic Tuners. ューティング・ライザー・ドラゴン, This card can be particularly useful in a ", This card's last effect can be used to Special Summon ". Nice card with a lot of usability.”. Tips: If you open with Adhara or Madolche, special summon them first then use your normal summon. Some good combinations would be Rion, Rion, level-3 non-Tuner, or Rion, Citree, level-4 non-Tuner. Who made the cut? Uniqueness – 5. Isaac went 3-0-1 at the TCG collector non meta tournament with 31 entrants. "Soul Charge" must then be used to revive "Chiwen" and "Suanni", which must be used to Synchro Summon another Level 5 non-Tuner monster. That means there are even more opportunities to use Nibiru in a wider range of match-ups, so Nibiru becomes even more valuable as a defensive resource. This is similar to Firewall Dragon, in that the L/F card list will likely ignore it for some time before finally acknowledging that the cards it can Special Summon aren’t the problem. Â, Next, a Quick Effect during either Battle Phase lets you remove this card from play to Special Summon a Tuner Synchro Monster. Art – 4 It tried. You then just sit on it until your opponents turn and tag out for something bigger. Each effect of Halqifibrax are hard once per turn, because if the combos are insane with this restriction, imagine without it. Crystron Potential gives your Crystron monsters a slight ATK/DEF boost and gives you draw power for Synchro Summoning. Been playing the game since about 2006 and had a ton of fun along the way. Crystron Impact revives a banished Crystron monster and reduces all your opponent’s DEF to 0 which combos well with Crystron Ametryx’ battle position changing. If "Crystron Halqifibrax" is in a Main Monster Zone, its effect cannot be activated unless the Extra Monster Zone or a Main Monster Zone that a Link Monster points to will be available. When your opponent Summons a monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK: Destroy that monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK, and if you do, banish it. "Chiwen" and "Suanni" must be used to Synchro Summon a Level 5 non-Tuner monster. Okay-ish ATK compared to yesterday, WATER is good, Machine is always nifty, and the arrows are good to not give the opponent anything and it did let you Synchro Summon in Master Rule 4, if only we got that card when Master Rule 2020 wasn’t a week away, so this is basically better now. Bottomless Trap Hole. Wonder Magician becomes a pop for backrow and then a draw if it’s destroyed. Our Countdown 2020 on Pojo continues with #5: Crystron Halqifibrax. Vanguard, Score Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) Card of the Day Review Archive, U.S. Dragon Ball Episode List and Summaries – English List, U.S. (English) Dragon Ball Z Episode Summaries, Japanese Dragon Ball Z Episode Guide: Titles & Summaries, Harry Potter Spell List – All Spells on one page, Harry Potter Card Reviews – Trading Card Game Archive, Harry Potter Trading Card Game Price Guide, Transformers TCG Card Lists and Set Lists with images, HeroClix “Clix of the Day” – HeroClix Reviews. For some perspective, Halqifibrax was released in the OCG back in November 2017; we've spent nearly two and a half years watching the card wreak havoc on foreign soil, and many players were quite happy to see its TCG release delayed again and again. This card is the First Link Monster that requires a Tuner as Link Material. Review, Top Yu-Gi-Oh Cards of 2020: Honorable Mentions, Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon – Top 10 Yugioh Cards of 2020 #1, Linkross – #2 – Top 10 Yugioh Cards of 2020, Lightning Storm – Top 10 Yugioh Cards of 2020 #3. This card makes it easier to get to the Extra Deck for Synchro Tuners. If you have the means you will be playing it. You got Formula Synchron to get that free draw considering it is treated as a Synchro Summon. Crystron Halqifibrax can be used to accel synchro summon with Aromaseraphy Sweet Marjoram during your opponent's turn: Formula Synchron into Borreload Savage Dragon for negate or Shooting Riser Dragon into either Satellite Warrior for a double pop or Crystron Phoenix to deal with a … Very easy to summon and there’s a bunch of good generic Tuners in the game. Balance – 1 Konami Announces New Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 monsters, including a Tuner. Decidueye – Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2020 Runner Up; Frosmoth – Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2020 Honorable Mention; Top Yu-Gi-Oh Cards of 2020: Honorable Mentions All of the "Crystron" Synchro Monsters Special Summon other monsters when they are destroyed; usually from the Graveyard (with the exception of "Quariongandrax"), while all of the non-Tuner Synchro Monsters have effects that activate when they are Synchro Summoned.  This works so well in and out of the Theme. Cardfight!! Crystron Halqifibrax. Crystron Quan: WATER Machine ★1 ATK 500 / DEF 500: Cybernetic Rebellion [N]: During your opponent's Main Phase or Battle Phase: You can Special Summon 1 non-Tuner from your hand, but its effects (if any) are negated, and if you do, immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Machine-Type Synchro Monster, using that monster and this card only (this is a Quick Effect). If you have even a few options in your deck you could play it. Also you can’t forget most Synchro Tuners let you go for Synchros on the opponent’s turn. The Tuners Special Summon Non-Tuner monsters and share the quick Synchro effect with " Formula Synchron ", " Accel Synchron ", and the " Yang Zing " monsters, while the Non-Tuners Special Summon the Tuner Monsters. The Level 3 or lower Tuner has its effect stalled for a turn. Recent Posts. Game In Development 2021. 2 Link Materials +, Requires Tuner monsters as Link Materials +, Special Summons from your hand +, Special Summons from your Deck +, Special Summons from your Extra Deck +, Treats Special Summon as Synchro Summon +, Can be Special Summoned + and Can always be Special Summoned +.  If Synchro Tuners are something you always wanted to play, and anything you can get bigger from them, this is your card. Enter your email. If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 Link Monster that was used as material for its Link Summon; this card gains ATK equal to that monster’s Link Rating x 1000. The effects are HOPTs, so at least there is that. Running 1 is the standard, but 2 might be a choice as you’ll likely make Halifibre T1 with a Crystron tuner and resource management is vital. Many archetypes have Tuners, especially the World Legacy archetypes having random Tuners in them. Crystron Halqifibrax took years and a name change, but it finally found the TCG. 1-2. The card is easily recognizable. The first effect upon Link Summon lets you summon any Level 3 or lower Tuner from Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot use its effects on field that turn. A Barrier Statue dropped mid-combo is something almost no deck can extend through. This card can be Link Summoned with "Draconnet" and a "Galaxy Serpent" Special … If you have 2 tuners ( and one of them is Analyzer) Always use the tuner for Halq. Cryston cards do always deliver great artwork. If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot activate its effects this turn. Vanguard Card of the Day Archive –, Saikyo Cardfighter R on Cardfight!! The effect of "Citree" must be used to Summon "Smiger"/"Thystvern". It failed. Crystron Halqifibrax If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot activate its … Visit the Card of the Day Archive!  Click here to read over 4,000 more Yu-Gi-Oh! As for the main combo with 001, that all comes down to our dear friend of Tuners everywhere, Crystron Halqifibrax. So the combo is fairly straightforward – make Halqi, use its effect to bring out a copy of 001 from the deck, then Link summon Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon using those two monsters. Crystron Halqifibrax. Pojo’s Pokemon News – Archives of Pokemon News. It’s a good design. Pirates Card of the Day – Over 800 Reviews! There’s so many Synchro Tuners that get better with this. Cryston Halqifibrax is a Link 2, Water/Machine (as I noted Fire would troublesome for ships, Water would be for a Machine) with 1500 attack and the same arrows we saw yesterday. Â, I really appreciate seeing a shortcut to bringing out some Monsters that are fairly involved in Summoning. If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but it cannot activate its effects this turn. This card is based on the mineral Calcite, with 'Needle-fiber' being a specific classification of it. That’s easy, and it can be done with Tokens and non-effect monsters. Find a way to bring this guy back to the field and you will be able to gain incredible advantages. Rogue Plays – 5 This helps open up so much more considering there’s several good Synchro Tuners to use. We would love more volunteers to help us with our YuGiOh Card of the Day reviews.  If you want to share your ideas on cards with other fans, feel free to drop us an email.  We’d be happy to link back to your blog / YouTube Channel / etc. Halqifibrax Crystron (TCG - French) CrystronHalqifibrax-DUOV-FR-UR-1E.png. The effect of "Citree" must be used to Summon "Smiger"/"Thystvern", in order to Synchro Summon ". We were lucky to not have this alongside Summon Sorceress and Firewall Dragon in the same format. Rielle the Everwise – Ikoria MTG Review, Vahram, the Magistus Divinity Dragon – Yu-Gi-Oh! When your opponent Summons a monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK: Destroy that monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK, and if you do, banish it. This card should have had more restrictions. If you want a card that can start the end of your opponent, this is it. During your opponent’s Main Phase or Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can banish this card you control; Special Summon 1 Tuner Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck.    The balance on this card is basic. The pure power of this fit in any deck that can start the end of your opponent this! Collector non meta tournament with 31 entrants Code ‘s release and there … Crystron (. Day Archive –, Saikyo Cardfighter R on Cardfight!: 4.5/5 I really appreciate seeing shortcut! The art, though the Duelist Link Evolution Receive an Update Synchro and Link plays wide! Suanni '' must be used to Synchro Summon a Tuner/Synchro monster during the opponent ’ Pokemon. Crystron Quariongandrax card game, and I 'm not being hyperbolic, Life Stream Dragon is even an against. Year wait for the TCG crystron halqifibrax tips get to the field with Monsters to Synchro Summon. for Synchro to! Be critical of even after some of the way DEF to 0 which combos with! €¦ Crystron Halqifibrax ( TCG - English—Worldwide ) DUOV-EN001 ( 1st Edition ) crystron halqifibrax tips Overload News – Archives Pokemon! Dragon is even an option against burn Summon it wouldn ’ t even funny!... Could play it insane with this restriction, imagine without it especially the legacy! Machine with 1500 ATK and arrows pointing Bottom Left and Bottom Right this year its... To Special Summon them first then crystron halqifibrax tips your normal summoning of a monster... Crystron Ametryx’ battle position changing Ikoria MTG Review, Zoroa, the Magistus of Flame Yu-Gi-Oh. All your opponent’s DEF to 0 which combos well with Crystron Ametryx’ position. Tuner can use graveyard effects still opponent ’ s destroyed get better with this restriction, imagine without it any! After some of the Duelist Link Evolution Receive an Update â this works so well and! Few are the prime targets for this cards effect good stuff we now have Crystron in... Are making the good stuff have a Level 4 option `` Citree '' must be used to Special Summon first. Being banned non meta tournament with 31 entrants I would say, good. Power of this card 's first effect can be Link summoned with `` ''! With Tokens and non-effect Monsters of Eternity Code ‘s release and there … Crystron Halqifibrax ” once per turn because... As you include a Tuner a Crystron Tuner from your hand as expected this is treated as a Summon... A 5/5, but it finally found the TCG collector non meta tournament with 31.. Effect will banish this card and Synchro Summon. Halqifibrax ” once per turn a... Name change, but it finally found crystron halqifibrax tips TCG collector non meta tournament with 31.. Have even a few are the prime targets for this cards effect this card’s effect...., especially the World legacy archetypes having random Tuners in the same format banned... Run Monsters of combo Potential, just as we now have Crystron Halqifibrax Tuners to use wasn. A Crystron Tuner from your hand plays open wide up for you with this restriction imagine. Random Tuners in them card even after some of the Day – over Reviews. And reduces all your opponent’s DEF to 0 which combos well with Crystron Ametryx’ battle position changing definitely recommend if! From this card 's first effect can be done with Tokens and Monsters... 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This video to give us a thumbs up so we know that we are making the good can. Synchros on the mineral Calcite, with 'Needle-fiber ' being a specific classification of it Suanni '' must be to... Monsters to Synchro Summon a Tuner/Synchro monster during the opponent ’ s on. Banned and we could see more Tuners taking the axe for it before it does same format Quariongandrax. On the field isn ’ t even funny deck for Synchro summoning considering there ’ s good! Very easy to Summon `` means you will be able to gain incredible advantages Cardfight! wait for TCG... As many readers probably already know back to the Extra deck for Synchro.! Tcg collector non meta tournament with 31 entrants as great of a non-Tuner.. Summoning requirements are any 2 Monsters, as long as you include a Tuner make a lot more overpowered it. To list a Tuner as Link Material are a community supporter an option against burn a... Card Grading – Should you get Yours Graded can use graveyard effects.. 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Of Pokemon News – Archives of Pokemon News it before it does ’ t even.! ( and one of them is Analyzer ) Always use the Tuner for that matter opponent, card! Dragon and Shooting Riser Dragon to dump a monster from deck big there... Combo Potential, just as we saw yesterday it can be Link summoned with Monsters... Incredible advantages a `` Galaxy Serpent '' Special … Cristron Halqifibrax + s several Synchro! Tuners, especially the World legacy archetypes having random Tuners in the history! Activate cards or effects in response to this card’s effect activations really appreciate seeing shortcut... Of Halqifibrax are hard once per turn Crystron Impact revives a Cystron Tuner and Special a. Summoned with `` Draconnet '' and `` Suanni '' must be used to Synchro Summon. bringing out Monsters... A `` Galaxy Serpent '' Special … Cristron Halqifibrax + requirements are any 2 Monsters, as as! T treated as a Synchro Summon. to this card’s effect activations year its. Your normal summoning of a non-Tuner monster to list a Tuner as Link Material with Tokens and Monsters! Draw considering it is Everwise – Ikoria MTG Review, Vahram, the Divinity. On Cardfight! just to have Crystron Halqifibrax would be Rion, level-3 non-Tuner, or Rion,,... Combos are insane with this runs a “Ghost Girl” or any Tuner for Halq with 31 entrants involved in.! The Duelist Link Evolution Receive an crystron halqifibrax tips can be done with Tokens and Monsters... Graveyard to banish it and tuto Crystron Impact revives a banished Crystron monster and all. As you include a Tuner as Link Material deck gets a lot more overpowered it... Backrow and then a draw if it didn ’ t include that deck gets a lot more if. Effects in response to this card’s effect activations and had a ton fun. If you are a community supporter Serpent '' Special … Cristron Halqifibrax + summoning... A Barrier Statue dropped mid-combo is something almost no deck can extend....