Make two applications at intervals of 7 days. +27-11-6354300. Phone: 0000015516 00000 n Huilong Abamectin Miticide/Insecticide – General Instructions . Abamectin is a medicine available in a number of countries worldwide. 0000018562 00000 n 0000028289 00000 n Use a water volume of 350 L / ha. It is important to continue the constant agitation of the spray tank to maintain a uniform solution. 0000029691 00000 n H360May damage fertility or the unborn child. Activator Crop - Rose . 17121 Corçà. Squash, melon, cucumber and watermelon: Apply as soon as adults appear leafminers. It acts as an insecticide by affecting the nervous system of and paralyzing insects. 4. Admire Pro systemic insecticide is soil-applied and provides economical and long-lasting control of damaging insects in a variety of vegetable, potato and fruit crops. If applied under 2,000 liters of water per hectare, adjust the concentration to at least 500 ml of product are used per hectare. 2. About 43% of these are Insecticide. Thrips 7. offers 123 abamectin veterinary products. Insecticide AGRIMEC (ABAMECTINA 1,8%) 5L. Keep stirring the mixture once the product is mixed with water. Equipode application: Legal Abamectin Insecticide Factory - Select 2020 high quality Abamectin Insecticide Factory products in best price from certified Chinese 3.6% Abamectin manufacturers, Abamectin Formulation suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Brand – Abacin Technical name – Abamectin 1.9% EC . Beetles 4. Wikipedia® is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van de Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., een organisatie zonder winstoogmerk. 1. The smell attracts the pests and the abamectin will enter their systems after consumption. 0000041574 00000 n Ants 2. Abamectin Dosage directory ☆ Abamectin Dosage manufacturers, suppliers ☆ Abamectin Dosage buyers, importers, wholesalers, distributors. Low bioaccumulation potential. The permeability of this product is excellent especially for harmful mites, diptera, co 100ml and 1 litre. It normally comes in the form of a liquid or a gel that is sweet smelling. Ensure full coverage. Legal abamectin (avermectin) 18 g/l abamektien (avermektien) IRAC INSECTICIDE GROUP CODE 6 IRAC INSEKDODER GROEPKODE 2: 25/08/2016-Jan2017 5 Insecticide Registration holder / Registrasiehouer: Villa Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd. Co. Reg. H360May damage fertility or the unborn child. Do not exceed 1.5 L AGRIMEC® 1.8% EC per hectare per application. Be sure to follow the label with regards to mixing instructions. HANDLE WITH CARE. The pesticide property will not be slipped after washing out by rain. Voliam Targo 063SC is combining 2 different insecticide mode of actions, the bisamide and the avermectin mode of action. Exhibits good overall crop outlook and better crop greening with more branches and flower initiation. FRAGILE. Dosage: Abamectin: Brinjal: Red spider mites: 1.2 ml/L. This product is not sold individually. Abamectin is active once eaten (stomach poison) with some contact activity.Maximum mortality occurs in 3-4 days. Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications. Packaging. Abamectin Dosage directory ☆ Abamectin Dosage manufacturers, suppliers ☆ Abamectin Dosage buyers, importers, wholesalers, distributors. 0000006390 00000 n This product has translaminar activity. Johannesburg. AVICTA® is the proven Seed Treatment Nematicide world-wide for use in corn, soybeans and cotton production. Baythroid ® XL Bayer's Baythroid XL insecticide is the complete pyrethroid for many crops, and offers fast, effective control of pests in corn, soybeans, cotton and wheat. China Abamectin Insecticide 1.8%Ec with Good Quality, Find details about China Abamectin 1.8% Ec, Insecticide Abamectin from Abamectin Insecticide 1.8%Ec with Good Quality - Zhengzhou Delong Chemical Co., Ltd. Formulation: Not Available . WHO classification. Aguacatero: Apply when adult mite first coffee on sheets are detected, ensure full coverage of the plants. Agro Enhancer Mn fertilizer 20L (Secant... Insecticide Aspid 50WG (FOSMET 50%) 35g JED. Strawberry: Apply when mite populations reach a threshold of 5 per leaflet mobile stages and repeat again when you reach this threshold. 4 Abamectin [14C] avermectin B1a: mixture of five single 14C-labelled compounds at C3, C7, C11, C13, and C23 of the main complex. China Abamectin Insecticide manufacturers - Select 2020 high quality Abamectin Insecticide products in best price from certified Chinese Agricultural Chemicals manufacturers, China Pesticide suppliers, wholesalers and factory on China Kill Ants Insecticide of Abamectin 18g/L Ec, 1.8%Ec, Find details about China Abamectin, Insecticide Insecticides from Kill Ants Insecticide of Abamectin 18g/L Ec, 1.8%Ec - Shenzhen King Quenson Industry Co., Ltd. Menu ... AWINER Abamectin Description Abamectin Cas 71751-41-2 is Insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Activity Group: Group 6 Insecticide. Aphid jumper to apply as soon as adults appear. It is easily soluble in toluene, ethyl acetate, acetone, chloroform, ethanol and he like, slightly soluble in hexane and petrolerm ether. 4 Abamectin [14C] avermectin B1a: mixture of five single 14C-labelled compounds at C3, C7, C11, C13, and C23 of the main complex. where it is taken up by sucking mites. 0000032492 00000 n FSCJ specified an acute reference dose (ARfD) of 0.005 mg/kg bw, applying a safety factor of 100 to the NOAEL. Email. II. Abamectin attacks the nervous system of insects and mites, causing paralysis within hours. of page 1) 43.0 H319Causes serious eye irritation. A radioactive label only at the C23 position was also used in some studies ([23-14C]) [3H] avermectin B1a: labelled at C5 of the main complex Used on studies with soil, citrus, cotton and celery, tomato Used on studies with soil, celery and lactating goat H335May cause respiratory irritation. 1992/002474/07 PO Box / Posbus 10413, Aston Manor, 1630 Tel: 011 396 2233 Abamectin is used to control insect and mite pests of citrus, pear, and nut tree crops, and it is used by homeowners for control of fire ants. Abamectin is a delayed-action insecticide, meaning it is not instant. Apple and pear trees: Apply when the first adults of red spider on the leaves was detected. Time reentry into treated areas: 12 hours 0000007229 00000 n Here, we performed a residual contact test to study a possible change in the susceptibility of E. mundus adults to abamectin insecticide after antibiotic treatment. 500ml/ha/1000L of water, 10ml/20L. essential. 0000000016 00000 n water Tea: Red mites: 1.25 Litre, © Copyright 2016. Mandatory application card for phytosanitary products (RD 1311/2012). 5 to 50 times insecticidal activities and acaricidal activities of than common insecticides. This product has not presented problems of incompatibility when mixed with authorized for use on crops mentioned herein agrochemicals. Roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas and carnations: Apply as soon as mites and leaf miners are observed. Make 2 applications at intervals of 7 days. Description. 0000035776 00000 n China Insecticide Abamectin 95%TC, 1.8%EC, 3.2%EC, 5%EC Pesticide Price Abamectin Technical & Formulation, Find details about China Abamectin, Abamectin 1.8%Ec from Insecticide Abamectin 95%TC, 1.8%EC, 3.2%EC, 5%EC Pesticide Price Abamectin Technical & Formulation - ORIENT RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. 972 630 412 - Fax: 972 630 947 Tel. 0000001690 00000 n Product Name:ABAMECTIN 18 INSECTICIDE / MITICIDE by TITAN (Contd. Abamectin works by destroying a pest’s neurological junction in their brain. Abamectin(insecticide,pesticide,agrochemical) 95% Tech. Abamectin was also found to be degraded readily by soil microorganisms. (��֌R\tB��J����. Cockroaches 3. 0000023454 00000 n Chile: Apply as soon as the adult leafminers appear or to detect early infestations of broad mites with intervals of 7 days. 0000023171 00000 n Agrimec Gold - Tremcard (No Borders) (70.6 KB) Agrimec Gold - Tremcard (Red Borders) (70.72 KB) Abamectin is an Insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Mode of action. 55 45 1.8% Abamectin EC 1.8% Abamectin EC is a antibiotic insecticide and acaricide with highly effective and widely harmonic . 0000031874 00000 n 0000009044 00000 n It is an inorganic potassium fertilizer with micronutrients Mn and Zn deficiency corrector acts as a fungicide (Repilo, bold, micofarela, etc.). Quali-Pro Abamectin 0.15 EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15 lb. The benefit of a delayed-action insecticide is it gives the affected insect time to return to the colony and spread the poison through contact or food sharing (ingestion) with the other insects. 1. Adama SA (Pty) Ltd. Cape Town Head Office. Use the amount of water necessary to obtain good coverage. Rats at all the dosage levels exhibited body weight gains significantly 0000027227 00000 n For the case of two-spotted mite, two foliar applications perform interval timer 10 days fruiting. The label for Avid now includes the suppression of whiteflies, aphids, and thrips. abamectin per gallon. High content and good strorage stability. Repeat application when necessary. H335May cause respiratory irritation. Tel. No, Avid 0.15 EC Miticide Insecticide is not labeled for bird mites. 0000041537 00000 n When mixed with water according to the directions for use, Quali-Pro Abamectin 0.15 EC will control mites and leafminers and suppress thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on the following ornamental plants: Greenhouse-, shadehouse- and field- f �qGVi%�'�@Z�m��Vf����~h�5�m��x$&,e:0�d��ƶ�\�R�/;nL=�$����A��eg%�HO.�L60,Z�l��-V���9 ���b����p$ Ō���!�E@� � c��� endstream endobj 56 0 obj <>>> endobj 57 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 58 0 obj <> endobj 59 0 obj <> endobj 60 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj <> endobj 62 0 obj [/ICCBased 77 0 R] endobj 63 0 obj <>stream The paralysis cannot be reversed. +27-11-6354300. No. h�b```a``�f`c`��ee@ QV�(����C��>� �@ƍץ�$M�� dV�kx>�r=��{g�NZM�������l�����+m�Qط�����/+]>�-Z�X.���5�t��`�&...���06�eՂ �mll�� This product has translaminar activity. Whiteflies Some sources suggest that i… 71751-41-2), based on results from various studies. Cotton: Apply as soon as mites or symptoms appear and repeat as necessary, ensuring full coverage of the foliage, using lower doses as low infestations occur ( essential. A Abamectin SPC 0.15 EC Miticide is mixed at 4 oz per 100 gallons of water so you would mix 0.04 fl oz ( … Pack Size- 100 Ml Conclusion in Brief. A radioactive label only at the C23 position was also used in some studies ([23-14C]) [3H] avermectin B1a: labelled at C5 of the main complex Used on studies with soil, citrus, cotton and celery, tomato Used on studies with soil, celery and lactating goat Miticide for the control of red spider mites on roses, Spider mites and leaf miner on tomatoes and French beans. Abamectin 1.8% EC Sinon Corporation SDS Data Bank No. 0000003368 00000 n The Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ) conducted a risk assessment of an insecticide, abamectin (CAS No. Ensure full coverage of plants. 0000050966 00000 n 71751-41-2), based on results from various studies. Nr. Abamectin residues in or on crops are very low, typically less than 0.025 ppm, resulting in minimal exposure to man from harvesting or consumption of treated crops. Titan Abamectin 18 Insecticide/miticide - Miticide - Apple | Capsicum Or Pepper | Citrus | Cotton - Refer To Label | Hops | Ornamental (see Label) | Strawberry | Tomato - See Label - Broad Mite | Brown Citrus Rust Mite | Carmine Mite | Citrus Rust Mite Or Maori Mite | 0000007008 00000 n Insecticide Aspid 50WG (FOSMET 50%) BOX... Insecticide Sulfur powder Jardin Pallares... Insecticide Azufre WP 500g (AZUFRE 80%) JED, Insecticide BUBBLE KILL for mosquitoes 400 gr. When mixed with water according to the directions for use, Quali-Pro Abamectin 0.15 EC will control mites and leafminers, and suppress thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on the following ornamental plants: Greenhouse-, 0000030505 00000 n Moreover, we assessed the microbiota present in adults of E. eremicus, E. formosa and two strains of E. … Due to the risks inherent in the development of resistance to any product, it is highly recommended that AGRIMEC® 1.8% EC is used within an integrated resistance management program that includes rotation with other products with different mechanisms of action. In apples apply this product from 2 to 6 weeks after petal fall if … Add enough water to have full coverage of the foliage. You must select at least 1 quantity for this product. abamectin per gallon.When mixed with water according to the directions for use, Abamectin 0.15 EC will control mites and leafminers, and suppress thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on the following ornamental plants: Greenhouse-, shadehouse- and field-grown ornamentals; foliage plants; High content and good strorage stability. Advantage of Abamectin . Use higher doses in heavy infestations and when the plants are large and dense. 2. China Abamectin Insecticide - Select 2020 Abamectin Insecticide products from verified China Abamectin Insecticide manufacturers, suppliers on Abamectin 0.15 EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15 lb. In addition, abamectin does not persist or accumulate in the environment. It has the effect of gastric poison and contact kill to the pests and harmful mites. When it is destroyed, the nervous system becomes damaged, which results in paralysis that is followed by death. Adama SA (Pty) Ltd. Cape Town Head Office. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Environmental Fate Eco-Acute Toxicity The information presented here is for the active ingredient, abamectin. A wide variety of abamectin veterinary options are available to you, such as classification, dosage … The insecticide is consisted of avermectin B … Abamectin 18 Insecticide/Miticide to the target crop whether by spraying by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Avid 0.15 EC Miticide Insecticide contains Abamectin and is the best insecticide for mites and leaf miners, including spider mites, Red Mites, Broad Mites, and many more. Allowed file formats are: GIF, JPG, PNG, Ctra. Active ingredient: Emamectin Benzoate 20 g/L + Abamectin 10 g/L; Target: Spidermites (two spotted mite and yellow mite), Heliothis lapigma, Armyworm, Heliothis sp., Rust mite, Felosia sp., Prodenia sp., Thrips. Tomato (tomato): Apply as soon as mites, leafminers adults or their bites, adult pinworm or their eggs appear. 0000046264 00000 n Abamectin, Abamectin 1.8%Ec, Abamectin 3.6%Ec manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Insecticide 1.8%Ec, 3.6%Ec, 5.4%Ec, 95%Tc Abamectin, King Quenson China Manufacturer Imidacloprid 200 SL for Pest Control, King Quenson Agrochemical Pesticide Imidacloprid 70%Wp Insecticide and so on. Menu ... AWINER Abamectin Description Abamectin Cas 71751-41-2 is Insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Use the lowest dose at low infestations and increase dosage in heavy infestations. Application: H��VKo7���A��`-I=0$n�ࢁ��@�l�ƅc$�����^R�cf�IP,fF\��ǧ�=� sva�����o�`�1ޜ�i���>L_>����Mtd1�7�O�p�}�f�.��v How much Abamectin SPC 0.15 Insecticide Miticide should I mix per gallon of water? 0000032239 00000 n Instructions for use Insecticide and acaricide emulsifiable concentrate for the control of Lepidoptera pests, thrips and spidermites on a wide range of crops. C.P. Product Name:ABAMECTIN 18 INSECTICIDE / MITICIDE by TITAN (Contd. To apply jumper aphid adults as soon as they appear. 0000003861 00000 n Advantage of Abamectin . Mixture of contact & systemic insecticide, Dosage – 80 ml per acre, Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC, Excellent product for the Right Start of the crop with effective control against sucking pests. Citrus: Apply after flowering, when mites first appear on young fruit and repeat as necessary. All Rights Reserved by Sepra Iberica 2010. We would recommend checking out a general insecticide, such as Onslaught Insecticide. 0000030015 00000 n Site of action - Chloride Channel . Abamectin belongs to a general class of closely related macrocyclic lactones either produced directly by the actinomycete Streptomyces avermitilis or generated through semisynthetic modifications (Fisher and Mrozik, 1989).The structure for the natural avermectins is given in Figure 97.1.The basic structural motif of the avermectins is evident in the natural product avermectin B 1a, … 0000027698 00000 n 0000020523 00000 n Do not apply more than 2 L / ha per crop cycle. Mites 5. Open the package of 1.8% EC AGRIMEC® turning the cap to break the plastic arillo. Mode of action. With the same cap upside-place on the safety seal by pressing and turning the cap to completely break the seal. Email. 0000004007 00000 n Easy to use, and good control effect. 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1L. Strawberry do not apply more than 5 L per hectare per crop ciclode. Vind abamectin insecticide fabriek in China, abamectin insecticide fabriek lijst kunt u producten rechtstreeks uit te kopen. where it is taken up by sucking mites. Chemical group – Avermectin . Abamectin attacks the nervous system of insects and mites, causing paralysis within hours. Method for preparing and applying the product: AiM-A Abamectin VetCap Caution. Do not apply more than 3.0 L AGRIMEC® 1.8% EC per hectare per crop cycle. water Litchi: Mites: 1.25 ml/L. Reapply as needed to maintain control. AGRIMEC® 1.8% EC is active ingredient abamectin, which controls phytophagous insects and mites listed here. After saving your customized product, remember to add it to your cart. 0000002726 00000 n Formulation: Suspension Concentrate | SC. 100ml and 1 litre. Celery: Apply as soon as mites, their bites or their eggs appear. A mixture consisting of 80% or more of Abamectin Component B₁a (C₄₈H₇₂O₁₄) and 20% or less of Abamectin Component B₁b (C₄₇H₇₀O₁₄) (USAN) Ensure full coverage of plants. Remarks: The rate for strawberry is NOT LESS THAN 240 ml product / feddan, regardless of the water spray volume and the sprayer equipment type. Quali-Pro Abamectin 0.15 EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15 Ib. 0000031560 00000 n China Kill Ants Insecticide of Abamectin 18g/L Ec, 1.8%Ec, Find details about China Abamectin, Insecticide Insecticides from Kill Ants Insecticide of Abamectin 18g/L Ec, 1.8%Ec - Shenzhen King Quenson Industry Co., Ltd. Email. Precision Insecticide Delivery System (sold separately) Abamectin Insecticide Capsules for Control of Horn Flies on Beef Cattle and Non-Lactating Dairy Cows. de Girona a Palamós, C-66 Km.12 Created by Unisoft - Barcelona. Insecticide and acaricide emulsifiable concentrate for the control of Lepidoptera pests, thrips and spidermites on a wide range of crops. Incompatibility: Chlorantraniliprole is a ryanodine receptor modulator. DoseAcres - 160-266 ml . trailer <<696E231D014240AEB5B1620EB87B6D9D>]/Prev 1331302>> startxref 0 %%EOF 99 0 obj <>stream Huilong Abamectin Miticide/Insecticide – General Instructions . In case of a refund, 15% of the purchase price will not be refunded. 17121 Corçà 0000001196 00000 n Chlorantraniliprole is a ryanodine receptor modulator. Suspension Concentrate. offers 123 abamectin veterinary products. This product can be applied by air and ground equipment (knapsack or tractor). Tervigo Label (229 bytes) Tervigo SDS (96 bytes) �ҡ�U�H��e�,k�!_h�&���Iݐ�_���W�����>�ٛ��������9��LZ�&Z/5� ���i Mixture of contact & systemic insecticide, Dosage – 80 ml per acre, Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC, Excellent product for the Right Start of the crop with effective control against sucking pests. To maintain control of mites, repeat the application as needed. 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